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Posted in the blog: Never say 'Bomb' on an airplane.
The F.B.I has gotten too liberal with throwing around the label of terrorist. You are a terrorist in our Government's eyes if you are: 1. Involved in a peaceful protest or are a member of a peaceful protest group. 2. You publicly speak out against the Government (blogging, protests, even just...
Posted in the blog: Obama's national security plot
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), and ranking member Olympia Snow (R-Maine) presented a new bill that would make Mr. Obama a 'cybersecurity czar' of sorts. It would grant him the ability to limit internet traffic to so called 'critical networks' in both public AND...
Posted in the blog: just some thoughts...
Maybe it's human nature to depend on others too much. I mean, look at us. We look to our government for every answer. We're in a recession? Government has to bail us all out. Another country has a problem with us? Lets let the government decide if we should use our depleting resources to go...
Posted in the blog: Who's with me?
Ask yourself why your here. Yes, to share and connect with others that love this flawless gift from nature (I love weed) and to get updated on things happening that have to do with it. But what else? I believe in a universal purpose for every life force on this green earth. It's is our...
Posted in the blog: Who's with me?
Ask yourself why your here. Yes, to share and connect with others that love this flawless gift from nature (I love weed) and to get updated on things happening that have to do with it. But what else? I believe in a universal purpose for every life force on this green earth. It's is our...
Posted in the blog: our wonderful government
Okay, I'm a new member here, and I obviously support smoking weed. I was on this site the other day looking at the calendar of events and the 2009 Ontario Hemp Fest caught my eye. Being a stoner and a hippie, I naturally got really excited and automatically started planning to see if I could...
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