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Posted in the blog: mulch!
A good friend of mine is a property manager. On one of the properties there was a palm tree. The building owners wife did not like where it was, so the chopped it down. It was majestic, reaching for the sun, over 80' tall. The contractor turned it into mulch. I am blessed. yes sir, yes sir, 4...
Posted in the blog: Begining to understand her
Had to blog this.
Posted in the blog: I love Spring
seriously love it. Spent 3 hours today in the garden, and its looking better. Dug a moat around my girls. Next on the list is mulch.:smokin2:
Posted in the blog: 7 little girls
I have 7 little girls in my back yard, Reaching for the sun, swaying in the breeze, I like buds, heavy,sticky, sweet and hard. Lucy, Super Lemon Haze, and Mendo, cute as can be, won't you make some buds for me? ;):joint:
My garden is finally taking shape. I had a few good friends, lend time ,tools ,muscle, and vehicles to help make this garden happen.We loaded up a ford econo van with garbage and dumped it. I love my friends. In my "secret garden " I have my girls, 1 Sensi Star clone, 3 Super Lemon Haze, 3...
Just had to post this. I think it says alot about my life right now.
Posted in the blog: Its good to have friends
I made pot butter today. Made it out of vaped Blue Dream. You see, I have friends who can "afford" to vape until they don't like the taste. They were just gonna toss it out, about 6 oz worth. I took a look at the bud, it was still green inside! "um", I said "can I make butter out of this?"...
Posted in the blog: Life is good
When all the things in my life are stressin me ,I just have to remember , I am growing weed in my closet! Life Is Good!
Posted in the blog: Sometimes doing nothing is right
I am being impatient with my grow. I know I have a few more months . I have watered and she is well lit. Now all I can do is sit, and wait, and watch.
Posted in the blog: Good day
Going to a friends today, going to offer moral support and mmj.
Posted in the blog: Sunshine and stuperbowl
Today was a good day, plenty of sunshine and lots of stuperbowls...hmmm time for a smoke!:smokin2::smoke2::tokin:
Posted in the blog: Late night, feels right
As I put my night cap in my bowl, I have to say a late night feels right. I am waiting for my little girl to grow up. Soon I will move her out of the closet and into the sun, can't wait to taste her vapor on my tounge. Need to pick up a 200watt cfl for the closet, it should do the trick, as well...
Posted in the blog: Well off indeed.
:smoke2: I am very thankful to live where I do. People in my neighborhood are friendly and helpful. I am not rich, but I have friends who help when there is need. I don't have much but what I have I don't see as mine. I see myself as an items caretaker until I pass it on..well everything but my...
Posted in the blog: Friends indeed
Just as I was finishing my project for the day an angel visited me. She brought hugs and buds, two of my favorite things.:smokin2::smoke2:
Posted in the blog: Running out .
Its hard when you run out. Down to the last nug...then poof..gone. Put in some serious reworking of my growing situ, decided to convert a small closet, big enough for 1 Sativa dom or a small SOG. I have one Lemon haze sprouting and a mystery dog growing quite well under less than optimal...
Posted in the blog: Spring is aproaching
Seriously, There is a warm jetstream moving over the bay tonight, refreshing, smells like rain. Warm rain. My back yard is a jungle, but with friends doing most of the work ( i'll do the drafting of the landscape and figure out what will go where) the garden will quickly take shape. I will be...
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