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So I have done 3 harvests this week and my hands are tired.. I posted one in the last update .. Since then I have cut down a Sour diesel and a Blue Berry Headband. The PC was smaller and didn't take long but the SD and the BBHB both where pretty good plants and yielded pretty good so they tired me out... lol I need to find a harvest buddy.

So let's take a look....


That above is the SD and as soon as I released her bondage she started to sag. Nothing wrong with that! The nuggets where all solid solid....


Thats one of them there...

Then there is the BBHB which is a first time run on this stuff.. Looks great. Let's hope the taste and strength are good. It was an easy plant to grow and take care of.


That one had no slouch of nugs either....


I forgot to get a pic with all three hanging but this one is of the PC and SD


I'll try to get a pic with the BBHB hanging as well... I had to push them all closer together to fit in my dry area... Not a bad issue to have.

So a bunch of new plants went into flower and I'll get pics etc of those in the next update. I have one more harvest about a week away and then I won't have one for quite some time again. I hate how the cycle worked out. But I decided to just run it as it goes and try not to space them out. All strains grow different and they all needed to be harvested around the same time even though I put them all in flower on different weeks.

So I have a leaf that totally turned purple and I wondered if it was bleaching? This plant was put in flower when the led was about 8 inches lower to start with. None of the buds had white bleaching like I have had happen before. Oh well I will see if it continues in the future plants.

So I will try to post some weights if I remember to. The pc was my lightest PC ... Interesting enough it was needing to be harvested right on week 8 in the past because it was prone to hermie. But this one had a better run and I should have let it go at least another week. My goal PPM on prior runs was @500 but this run I am staying @1000. also I feed twice a day now and I can tell the plants love it. The pots don't seem to ever get dry in flower now and no burnt tips or anything since the increase so I could probably even go hotter.

So that's about it I just wanted to throw in a harvest update...

Thanks for stopping by!




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