Cannateer on 420

Do you not exercise the right to rant, appeal to emotions of your readers and occasionally question authority when you find it inconsistent?

Or, is my job as a second class citizen to never espouse my views, evoke emotion in others, or question those who assume these clergy-like positions of power to abuse at their will?

I will never shy away from an intimidating bully. I march into that fight every time and so should every living, breathing, thinking person. Standing up to authoritative bullies isn't a burden, it's a privilege.

You should all try it sometime. Who knows, you might even wanna try appealing to emotions (not even something I did, but still such a silly thing to hold against someone. This isn't a formal debate) and dare I say, you may do what every single hero of history has done, question authority.

Where would america be if they never questioned authority? We wouldn't have America. In other words, what do we call people who rant with appeals to emotion while questioning authority? The founding fathers of America, that's what we call them.


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