First Grow - Pineapple Chunk/Tangerine Dream

Backpackin420;1758331 said:
Hey guys whats up? Not much here just thought I would post up a couple pic's and start my grow log, I tried posting this on another site before I found this site and for the record this site has so much more to offer with feedback and good positive members. I am a medical patient in WA state and a disabled veteran and was hoping to get some feed back. This is my first grow since I have gotten out of the Navy, so I am still a noob and learning more every day.

Anyways I live in a 3 story townhouse and had to set up in my garage, the weather is very relaxed up in the pacific northwest and my garage stays cool. I did not skimp on equipment and went with what the Hydro store over in Portland recommended.

I originally planed to set up the grow tent in my downstairs computer room, but the 2x4 tent was actually quite bigger then 2x4 and is like 8 feet tall to boot; anyways, I got a switchable ballast w/ 400 MH and HPS bulbs with an 6" air cooled hood. I ran duct out of the tent and placed my fan outside with a duct silencer to keep down on the noise ( its pretty quiet now). I also picked up a Phresh carbon filter 6" x 24" which I am going to hook up in the tent once I start flower and keep negative pressure, if this keeps the smell down cool! but if not I will look into other measures to help keep smell down. Its imperative that there is no smell since I have neighbors.



I picked up 8 clones (4 Pineapple Chunk / 4 Tangerine Dream) and put them in 3 gallon smart pots on 6/8/13. I plan to veg these guys out for 3 weeks then jump into flowering. the plan is while vegging I will top/fim to keep the plants nice and bushy.


I am also using full line of Botanicare nutrients but left out Aquashield/Hydroplex and Sweet because the employee of the shop told me there is not much of a difference and he could not notice anything with his grows. I plan on using the Pure Blend Pro Advanced soil formula feeding schedule on the Botanicare web site and feed about once a week or every other water, which do you guys recommend? Have only used Calmag so far PH testing/adjusting my water at feeding time has left me with a runoff PH of 6.0 roughly, I am still new to testing PH and adjusting but think this is okay? Between 5.5 and 6.5 is what It says on my test kit for ideal nute uptake.

Right now my temps are about 77-79 with the light on and 70 with light off during the day RH is at 45-55%. I currently have them on 18/6 with the 6 hours off time during the hot part of the day. Also I am using Fox Farm soil the ocean one. I am sure I left out some info somewhere but any feed back is greatly appriciated!! the Plants have been in the tent for 3 days so far and are looking awsome!

I first wrote this post a couple days ago, today is 6/11/13 and I will upload some updated photos of the plants


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