Happy as a Clam

Today is the kind of day why people flock to California. The weather is delightful. Because of the recent and plentiful rains the vegetation everywhere is assuming tropical like dimensions WITH the corresponding rapid growth. I busied myself sprucing the property, trimming the hedges, cutting the grass and cleaning out the chicken coup. Remind me to talk about the benefits of chicken guano later.

So, I harvested the RBG crop 15 days ago and now it's time to sample the crop. It smelled so good the temptation to smoke it early was strong.
After waiting a week for the crop to mellow out a bit in the jars I finally took a sample and put it in a bowl to perform a "Quality Assurance Acceptance Procedure" test. You know how that test works right? You don't? Well, to explain: It means I put some of the product in a clean bowl, light it up, inhale then exhale after a few seconds. Then I lay the pipe down and wait. It won't take long. It never does. When the normally Maroon colored wall paper turns iridescent I time the reaction and take a note to review later. When and if I remember to do so I read the report to either verify what I wrote or I retry the experiment and compare results.
:20 odd minutes later.
After heaving myself out of the couch I write this report:


I can disregard some of the reports. One of them, for instance, said the Moon was glowing a bright green. Since it contained no useful data I expunged that report. Other reports of similar uselessness were discarded. The good ones I kept although most of the observations were subjective and amusing.

I am pleased as punch to say RBG has demonstrated once again it's superb analgesic qualities. My debilitating arthritis pain is mitigated greatly and the colors I see are a little brighter. It's what I expected.

I couldn't be happier to tell you a professional grower and expert said my RBG crop was 'awesome'. A statement like that coming from this person is one of my greatest thrills. I couldn't be happier! What an honor!
To me that's verification the HD process works! I am tremendously motivated to improve that process. Fortunately for me there are several areas in the HD process where adjustments may be made. I believe can make substantial gains in product quality and quantity.

PS: This is the tenth, (10th) post. According to the web deities there remains 15 more posts before I am allowed to respond to some of these posts or do something else. Is that right?
This calls for another QA test while I think about it.

Hay wait! There's more here!
I wanted to talk some of my theory about the contained build up then release of internal vapor pressure being an indicator of product strength. To make it brief and act as sort of a hook to get you to read more of my drivel; I present the theory that the rapid filling of the smoking area space with the odoriferous contents of a freshly opened jar of properly cured/aged Marijuana is indicative of the products energy. Like the visual presentation of a professionally prepared meal by a chef, the release of the contents of a pressurized jar of Marijuana enhances the anticipation of the pleasures to come. We'll talk about all that later. I can hardly wait.

Does this 1 long post count as two?


OK, so today being April 2nd I have to ask if any of you if you believed any of the bilge I posted yesterday, including my usually lame photos in the OFF TOPIC GALLERY? RBG really doesn't expose film by radiation proximity; and my printing is usually better than that. Hey wait a second! This doesn't count as a 'post'; It's a comment!
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