How long till CRISPR tech hits Cannabis

Please note I am not referencing scientific research in my blogs, but going by memory and may give inaccurate information. Please research anything I say and dispute me if required.

To those of you who are not aware of the potential of this to impact Cannabis, let me give you an introduction. CRISPR is a gene editing tool (thank you little green crab that produces the enzyme required) that allows us to incorporate new or updated genes into the genome of the host.

First we need to find plants with the desired characteristics and do genomic analysis. After identifying the genes responsible for the characteristic desired (tricome density, tricome head volume, terpenoid content, cdb/thc ratio) the ribonucleotide sequence (DNA) is identified (hugely simplified). Now we add this gene to a retrovirus (think HIV or herpes) but instead of a human virus now it`s a plant virus. We infect the host plant with the virus containing the desired genes and the plant now has the desired genes and produces 50% thc with whatever terpinoid profile desired. Plant breeders have been doing this for years to produce the various hybrids available today, but this allows much more precise and rapid development of desired characteristics.

This technology is becoming cheaper everyday. Apparently you can buy this technology on Amazon to modify E. coli for $150.

You can bet the Cannabis megacorps will soon, if not now. use this new tech to produce patented breeds that won`t clone and only they can produce.


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