Is The Volcano Worth $650 With A Starter Set?

SW420;2419776 said:
For anyone reading this I'd also chime in and say that the Volcano may not be your best choice. My wife has always liked the volcano and for the sake of her health I'm glad she's using it.

However it may depend on whether you are using cannabis medicinally or recreationally. If recreationally it's good for parties and stuff like that because the volcano will generate clouds of vapor all day long. Forget portability with the volcano.

Not so with the Crafty (Also by S&B) which I'd highly recommend for most medical patients who, like me, are not in the habit of partying. It travels in a pocket pretty easily. It delivers a denser faster, tastier, cooler vapor then the volcano. It's also the most economical product I've used. I got a high dose very quickly. I had to like down for a while it hit me so hard.

I wasn't paranoid I was just a bit too woozy to be upright and enjoy it as fully as lying down. Many of you probably know exactly what I mean.

I have never used another portable vaporizer, powered by electricity, that tastes as fine for so long throughout the extraction process. It's also dense vapor so things happen way faster than with the volcano. You'd have to push the volcano closer to combustion to get what the Crafty does at the surprisingly low temp around 180 C. The flavor has such a distinct quality that I've never received from any other vaporizer. I also felt that my lungs were getting much less in the way of unwanted particulate while delivering the densest cleanest vapor I've tasted.

It warms up much faster, goes in a pocket, is really light, and easy to use. But the thing that I bought it for was due to a friends description of his experience of using one. One other thing I wanted to mention is the distinctness of the flavor profile. I've never been able to load up such dense lungfuls of vapor without feeling heat and the subsequent breakdown of the vaporization process where you're working too hard just to get the necessary level of medication.

I know it sounds like I'm getting paid for this. Actually I just got the thing today and I was more blown away by it than I expected to be. Which is kinda what I was hoping for but didn't want to hope for too much and be let down. Have you ever used the phrase "got my ass kicked" when discover you've been just a little too enthusiastic about getting a decent dose?

For those who need a portable this must be the best because it is so much better than the ... I'm not in a mood to criticize other brands. I have tried several top winners in the personal vaporizer lineup, and for bud, this Crafty outshines them all. I've yet to try oil or or wax with the Crafty. I'm still a little scared of it after the way it hit me this afternoon when I first used it.

My migraine left lickety split and has not shown any signs of returning. Nor did I need any complimentary meds of the mainstream variety. I needed something that would hit fast and hard. I got more than I needed and at least as much as I wanted for now and I hope some years to come.

Also it's almost half the price of the volcano. So if you don't need to get lotsa people high and you want a really great high quality unit this may be the one for you too.

Mod: Please PM me if you're thinking of deleting my post as I'm a real contributor who has no agenda to sell anything here. I can also rip inferior products apart but this one really is hard to over praise. I think it could easily retail for 299 or 279 and it would outsell every other portable while possibly being even more profitable by acquiring market share more rapidly.

However German and American sensibilities are different with the former typically taking a more sustainable and conservative approach looking to keep margins high and keep a large warchest. I think they'd rather have a smaller slice of the market that they serve with quality that both parties believe justifies the cost. They are reported to have unmatched service. I've never had to use it.

Anyway I hope this helps anyone making the choice for a S&B product. IMO They are the Apple of Vaporizer mfg'rs.


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