It's all about the Coco

So a quick small update as I know my fan club really wants to know what is going on! J/K my fan club only has three members.. me... myself... and I. And we already know whats up.

So no pics but let me say.... I am thoroughly impressed with coco. The HG and SD both perked right up with fresh nutes and the new medium. I was very happy. All of veg picked right up... just the BK clone still looks rough but everything else is doing real well. Finally everything is showing signs of improvement. I haven't seen anything but dying plants for a couple weeks now so this is great news...

PPm's and PH's are right where I set them... DTW.. this system is rock steady on staying put... No more recirculating so I love the fact once I mix up a batch it is exactly what they will get fed. And with COCO it is like soil but with a clean slate.. No preloaded with anything so what you feed is what they get. I totally understand why the draw to Coco. Super simple and effective. Yesterday AM the HG and SD got fed and the pot was heavy.. they drank it all and it became light late in the day.. i refed again but the Coco held the water a long time until the plant absorbed it.. and they where thirsty obviously ;) It is kind of interesting.. I can get a rough idea this way if it is drinking well..

So flower is starting to show signs of improvement.. but not as much as veg. I know flower is a more delicate time on the plant so I know it will be harder to rebound for these ladies. And they did have Pyth alot worse than Veg so yah I am not totally convinced they even will rebound. Fingers crossed....

I will be ok if they don't but going forward things should be drastically better...

Damn I am liking the Coco conversion alot. I love how everything is totally separate now.... each plant alone... no cross contamination now and easy to just go pick up a plant and throw it on the work bench...

So things have calmed down in the last 24 hours... Now it is sort of a game of patience to see what rebounds and how well... No more worrying what will go to flower etc when do to plant death. Now i can get back to the perpetual growing..... My schedule is really off now though....

OH quick thing.... All my little air pumps I use where really blowing like crap... I was getting ready to go get new ones for my cloner etc.. Duh clean the filters and I am not kidding that was all they needed... huge difference.... Go check yours today!.!!

Thanks for coming by




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