Just Making A statement

You know I would say from 2000 - 2009 I was able to harvest five crops a year. Four nice indoor and one realy nice outdoor. I had the cycle going. In July 2009 my girl friends sixteen year old moron and his friends ripped my entire outdoor crop.In fucking JULY WTF.Sorry I still havent let that go. BUT ANY WAY I took the plants that were my next indoor crop and put it out doors to replace what got ripped.I still to this day cant get the cycle back. I will get my 60-60-60-60 going , thats 60 flowering,60 vegging,60 clones, and 60 outdoors and something has happend to screw it up every year sence the MORON insadent ( I wouldnt have been half as mad if the kid wasnt so stupid )any way one time its the damn spidermites, the next time 17 straight day over 117 degrees WTF.Im gettin to old to do this shit.I hope my wife dont see this: You love them as much as you do your wife and dog and when they get fucked up its very frustrating.Any way thanks for letting me RANT. TOAST


Lembatoast my friend I feel your frustration. It kind of comes with all types of farming so don't get me going. The stories I could tell you about farming in general. I started 15000 muskmelon plants in the greenhouse in march baby them go out till the ground and lay miles of plastic and irrigation line. Protect them baby them and get thousands of melons set on them some up to 14 lbs. Then the rain hit... 7 inches in about 7 hours. I get up in the morning and look down in the bottom and there are 30 foot long trees floating over the top of my melon patch. All gone total loss. I've watched peach crops in full bloom get wiped out by a freak un predicted frost over night. I've spent days planting transplants to go down 2 days later and find that deer have eaten 2/3rds of them. I've gone out to a field of Argent white sweetcorn at 4 in the morning that I just checked out the evening before to start picking for the farm market, only to find that racoons hit it that night and got me for 200 dozen.I have had a storm rip the plastic off of my greenhouse in February when it was full of strawberries in full bloom and dump 4 inches of snow on top of them. And that's just the beginning. I have been farming for 40 years now. I've had good years and bad, pretty much think I've seen it all until I see the next thing. But you know what? I learn something new every year and you and i and everyone else on here do it all for one reason..... because we love it. I have always said that the trick to growing buds isn't to have the best every year or the most every year but to pick something every year. Trust me when I tell you this.....things will get better again..... just keep plugging away... keep your chin up and ask God to bless your efforts. Trust me after 40 years in the farming game ... this I know! Take it from your buddy and if you need anything I'm just uptheholler!
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Dude yesterday was just a fucked up day. It started out with me putting a 3/8 th staple in my head,no biggie. Then im out mixing dirt for the next round,when my next door neighbor screams for me to help him (he was building a cover for his pool equiptment and was stuck trying to keep it from falling ) on a dead run I shinned and old peace of 3/4 in plywood and put 4 pretty big chuncks in my leg. After getting Rick squared away I notisted what I had done reached down and started to remove the wood. One piece was in an arttery and when I took it out blood started squirting every where. That was just the first hour after I got up.The rest of the day wasnt as dramatic as that but pretty much along those lines. Theres just days I shouldnt get out of bed. Now I have to laugh at my self because if I had just slowin down a little I could have avoided the whole shootin match. Now on to you - And I thought I had problems. The shit Ive gone through over the years doesnt even compair to the losses youve suffered. Believe me Im sorry bad shit happens to good people like your self. And to put things into perspective earlyer I was watching a thing on Serbia and theres not a person in this country not even the homeless that have a right to bitch. THose people over there are FUCKED big time.Thanks for letting me know that shit happends to someone besides me.Its a shame that I get so caught up in my own life that I forget there are people all over the world that are litterally eatting shit and dieing for real.THanks man I realy appreciate you .TOAST
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Uptheholler and any one else interested, Go to the web and check out Cave Grow Pot House if you havent all ready. TOAST
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Lembatoast... Wow! yesterday morning did really Suck! Hopefuly you are a quick healer. But shin bones don't have any meat on them so when you skin em up you bleed like a stuck hog! Hey I always say compared to any where else we have it made. Serbia, Syria, central Africa people are suffering. Now for me when I think that I have it bad I just go down to my closest Walmart and sit on a bench right there in front of the lanes , say around 8 pm on a Friday night. I don't know but after about an hour of sitting there watching people going through the lanes.... I fell pretty damned good about my life! Ha! Never fails.. cheers me right up! Make the best of it bud!
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UTH, Thanks for ther kind words they really helped.For the most part I am a very positive person and Im feeling all right now,every things cool. And I am definitely going to check out the Walmart thing next time im down.lol Thanks again your BUD TOAST
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Hey Ralph I'm positive that if you Lemba and I burned acouple and went down to the Walmart we'd have a blast! ha!
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You know we could hook up web cams and all three be at drifferent wal-marts and watch each other smoke our joints. TOAST
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