Mars II 1600! Super Monster Scrog Pounder

CO Finest;2160278 said:
SoilGirl;2160227 said:
No way! Water only won?? Or were you saying that there was a cloning solution in the water for that THC clone?
Because thats crazy if it rooted fastest without any gel or rooting solution... definitely getting me some rapid rooters. Thanks for doing the video! Interesting! :cheer::Namaste:
Edit: by the way your super scrog ladies are looking Beastly!! -In a very ladylike way ofcourse :circle-of-love:
Oh, and I was wondering... I see that Shadow is taking a clone from his flowering Medi. I heard somewhere that this couldn't be done so I never tried.. does it hurt the clone to do that? I read somewhere recently here that when you do that it may actually lead to a better harvest from that... could you elaborate on that? I don't understand why that would be.

The wining clone that cloned first was the THC clone that was cut and put in R/O P/H 7.0 water and cube was soaked in Clone Tech. Now at day ten over all the clone gel had more clones with roots and bigger roots. So what I have seen if you do not want to spend the money on clone gel or powder, water will work just fine.
For the ? about cloning off of a flower plant. It works and tends to make a bushy plant most of the time. Now you will have to spend way more time on that clone waiting for it to root and re veg it self. the main reason I do not do that is most of the time I do clones it takes 5 days to root and 8-10 days and they get put in soil and already start the veg growth. How I do my clones is as followed.
Heat pad,water in tray but never touching cubes,Soak cube in Thrive alive B-1 with mix explained at the end,Clones cut and soak in Rootech for 10min,Lights stay on 24hr,Sprayed once a day with a mix of 7.0ph water with Thrive alive B-1 . The spray mix and what cubes are soaked in is 1 gallon water mixed with 5mil Thrive Alive B-1 red.

Now let me talk for a min about what makes a better harvest...
First off is keeping your plant at top health from seed,clone all the way threw flower is number 1.
Then Temps,PH,Light strength,Air exchange,CO2 level,Humidity.LST,HST,Lolly popping so on so on...
The first two I just said are the main way.

Now for a grower that just wants to get a little more without banging head on the wall going nuts reading and watching a million ways to do it. VEG TIME The older the plant the more weight. If growing inside to ways make it real easy once you get a grow or two under your belt. SCROG and SOG. Now let me go off topic real quick to break down what the different is on them for the growers that do not know.
SCROG AKA CO Finest way lol One plant only under net. SOG is two or more plants under a net. Ok now some people I have seen here will throw a pic in POTM and fail to show they have only one plant under a net. If you see that NEVER EVERY vote on them. You will have no way to tell if they have one or 50 unless you go threw there whole freaking journal looking and that means DQ in my book. I have seen this to many times. Ok I feel better getting that out lol. Back to ways to get Some more weight. Know your foot print for light needed for your grow space. If you do not know Ask on 420 mag and you will get a answer. Without knowing light power needed for your grow space then at that point your whole grow will be guessing and a wast of time and money. Why I say that is if your light is to small and you load up way to many plants you will have enough pop corn to feed all of us on 420mag. Now if you knew you could have put the right amount of plants and trimmed and tucked fan leafs not to throw shadows over buds and that can give you thicker heavier buds with better strength. Root room is another key. If you see your tips pointing down half way threw flower that is a sign you did so good it out grew your pot and your yield will be less. So over size pot by one or two sizes then needed to be safe and not sorry. I will save more of this talk for my NO B.S video part 2 coming soon lol. Sorry for the long post. I hope some of my info is what was helpful. I wish each and everyone of you the best of grows. Keep it growing green my fellow 420mag members. This is CO Finest and I am over and out........

Fyi for myself. :thumb:


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