Now Popular In Colorado, Marijuana Oil Has Long Success History

Motoco 1982;1976722 said:
I LOVE to see all the post of late referencing Cannabis Oil truly is a Wonder drug. It is a crying shame all the research, lies and basically the complete opposite of what our G has informed us of about MJ. That is in the past... now its steam rolling forward.

MJ should be legalized in ALL forms...recreational (best all around IMO) and medical use also (nothing else needed). Has everyone noticed since the states are jumping on the bandwagon for legalization and more and more intel is being brought forth to the medical value of cannabis oil concentrate you don't hear the opposition yelling BS ... 'this is your brain on MJ'. and I haven't really seen a negative post like I use to bashing MJ on forums.

Its kind of nice to have smoked MJ for so many years, took all the bashing, felt like a criminal in hiding and a 'reefer madness' psycho and now come to find out we've had this wonderful drug that heals naturally and is truly amazing in all that it does. But I think my personal favorite is what the 'square heads are saying now....NOT MUCH OF ANYTHING...lolol.


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