PhatTommy LOVES 420Magazine - Knowledge is Power

As I anxiously wait my computer to boot up, I wonder why I get such a kick out of 420 MAGAZINE. I feel like a 10 year old awaiting the current issue of BOY'S LIFE! Just knowing that I am witnessing "history in-the-making" (an amazing feat for a Vietnam-era stoner, believe me). I enjoy reading of state, national, and global news, whether political, business, or user targeted. I am most interested in the Patient/Medicinal information.

I am convinced that the fastest-growing segment of the cannabis-using population is the "Retiree" (A misnomer, if there ever was one). The potential groundswell of support for Marijuana reform and acceptance may well hinge on the growth of this mature segment of society. I have, I am pleased to say, been successful in introducing my Brothers and Fellows to the joys of CBD. In Arizona, CBD is found everywhere, Farmers Markets, Head Shops, &Dispensaries (among others). The prices are reasonable, and my friends have reported relief of a variety of symptoms (some probably psychosomatic, I know). The State, however, has been unyielding when it comes to issuing MMJ cards, meaning that even those on fixed incomes must cough up (approx.) $300.00 each year to stay legal (Food Stamp recipients, however, get a 50% discount, as per the State). That leaves CBD. Good by itself, it could be so much better with the solicitous addition of certain "Whole Plant" components. That fact alone, my friends, is compelling evidence that the "Recreational" (Ugh, now I abhor that term! I much prefer "Unregulated") use of Cannabis should be the goal which we all pursue. Each of us, in his/her own way, CAN help. A couple of Nam Vets (buying Black Market weed for decades) have been convinced to "Get Legal", as that protects one's rights to possess without fear of prosecution, one benefit (on the skimpy list of benefits) an MMJ Card is good for.

In conclusion (I have always wanted to say that), our goals are three-fold;

1) Get the "Grey Panthers" and the "Grey Wolves" out there to demand access to all the Cannabis-based relief they need (and want), without the financial stumbling blocks currently in place.

2) Continue to assist and encourage our Vets as they struggle to make the VA acknowledge the "need for weed". Safe and effective medicine must be allowed, without fear of life threatening reprisals (Thank You to All Who Served................and WELCOME HOME!)

3) Keep the dialog going! It is not illegal to talk about it anymore (if it ever was). I have not met a single person unwilling to discuss the many facets of the cannabis industry and/or culture.

As I said, we are living in historic times. We are fast approaching the point at which NO ONE alive remembers when Cannabis (under whatever name) was put under strict regulation in the United States of America (1937), resulting in "prohibition" for over 80 years (as opposed to alcohol, which was "outlawed" from 1920 until 1933, a mere 13 years). An overwhelming majority of U.S.A. citizens either support legalization or don't care either way (not an exaggeration). The road ahead will not be easy (too many fingers in too many pies, we all know), but we must continue, must persevere, must succeed, not only for us, but for our loved ones. When the last ":pot Prisoner" has been released, when the last suffering patient gets the clean, strong, affordable medicine they need, when we are free to make our own choices, then (and only then) may we rest and smile, secure in the knowledge that we will never face the horrors visited upon us for nearly a century, simply because of our "Herbal Preferences".

May God Bless all who fight this battle (Peacefully, always Peacefully)

PhatTommy Says!

Thomas E. Sheldon

Notes: Thomas is a Three-time Past Master of his Masonic Lodge. He has been the AZ Hospital Clinic Chairman for the Shrine Hospitals for Children for the past 20 years. Hobbies include motorcycling (Patriot Guard, American Legion Riders, EZMC Drill Team) and sketching. He is retired from over 4 decades in the Retail Food Industry.


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