Random Thoughts - February 13, 2016

  • 11:48 a.m. - I just took .373g of hash, melted in 1/4 tsp coconut oil. I poured most of it into 2 capsules as I really can't stand the taste of it when eating it and the rest was mixed into some full-fat Greek yogurt.
  • I wish it was easier to melt the hash and add to a capsule. It was a way nicer taste.
  • I've made my font bigger for this blog as I was finding it hard to read my previous blog.
  • My husband just left for his afternoon shift and I'm on my own.
  • I've been home sick since Tuesday with what I suspect is a mild case of the flu since I have no fever but am just generally feeling achy. I'm hoping the hash won't make me feel worse and in fact, might make me feel better.
  • 12:59 - I can feel the high and am having some difficulty thinking but if I just concentrate, I can still get all my computer work done so that I can settle in and enjoy myself.
  • I always feel cold when I eat hash. I wonder why that is?
  • 1:36 p.m. - Watching videos on YouTube (see below).
  • Okay, I cranked up the heat and put on my ugly, grey sweatpants because they're warmer. You know this is just going to bring on a hot flash. :phew::phew:
  • I don't know why it posted 2 emoticons.
  • It's been roughly 2 hours since I ate my hash. I'm high but not overly so. A little bit disappointed but here's hoping it improves. If not, I may have to test out my new vapour (newish) for an added buzz.
  • 2:27 - feeling tired - feet are still cold but better. Sure wish we had some good munchies around here - the bad part about mostly eating healthily.
  • Wonder if I maybe should have something delivered? Or maybe I'm too high to talk to anyone? I don't feel that high but you never know.
  • So the hash actually seems to be helping with my body aches today. I kind of suspected it would but you never know until you try, right?
  • I could make a protein shake (probably will at some point since it's a pretty good milkshake substitute.
  • Or, I could make a grilled egg and cheese sandwich - kind of getting bored of them as that's what I've had for dinner most nights this week.
  • I could even just have a bowl of cereal with sliced banana.
  • I'll have to think more on it since ambition isn't long on my ability list right now. Too bad my husband isn't here, he could order and receive a fast food order for me. He doesn't do drugs; he's a beer guy. Personally, I would prefer if he did do drugs with me as I really don't like the smell of beer especially on him but to each, their own.
  • Okay, now I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a shake. They're the closest thing I have to junk food.
  • My husband had some BBQ chicken in the fridge so I tried some of that first but didn't like it. It was way too fatty in my opinion.
  • 3:40 p.m. - just had the shake - not sure it was a good idea - I'm fuller but I'm thinking I maybe should have left the avocado out.
  • Going to vape some hash to see if that gives me more of a boost.
  • Playing games is so much easier when listening to good tunes.
  • 3:56 p.m. - yeah, vaping hash is definitely helping - still mellow but definitely higher. :roorrip::roorrip:This is the closest emoticon I could find that might be vaping.
  • Woohoo! I just won 6 hours of playtime on Pet Rescue Saga! Perfect no mind game to play when listening to good tunes and rocking out.
  • I HATE, HATE, HATE that the date format in Mac's version of Excel is so stupid. Seriously - who puts 05y1y76 for May 1, 1976? It's such a pain in the ass when I'm working on my spreadsheets. It doesn't matter if I try to do a Custom one, it still shows up wrong unless I format as General or Text. :bigblush: (is this guy angry or blushing? - I can't tell as it's so little)
  • My back just started getting achy for the first time today and it's also the first day in a week where I haven't had a headache all day. ;)
  • Is there a way that your blog categories can be edited, i.e. change the Parent category to one of the sub-categories or vice versa?
  • 6:06 p.m. - definitely on the coming down side
  • 6:23 p.m. - my emoticons aren't working anymore unless they're invisible on my draft and I'm going to end up posting a million of them.
  • I'm getting tired but I know I'm going to have to eat dinner before going to bed or I'll wake up starving in the middle of the night and making something then will be even less motivating than it is now.
  • Now, whether to cheap out and just have some peanuts, maybe a muffin and a banana or fudgsicle. The problem is I don't know if I have enough calories left today and the only reason I'm already down 75 pounds in 17 years is because I track my food everyday. It's taken me a lot longer to get to my goal weight than I thought it would but you know life gets in the way sometimes.
  • It's 6:58 - I decided to have two of my blueberry oat cakes to get the most bang for my buck - they're filling and sweet and two are only about 300 calories total. Should all be good.
  • And, then I might go to bed. I'm pretty tired and the satellite stations stopped playing good tunes.
  • Okay, I'm done. It's 8:24. I have a canker sore on my tongue and I'm tired, still buzzed but tired, too.
  • How come my videos aren't showing, just the links are? I've never had any problems with that before.

Music - Random:

  • Every time, I listen to music when I'm high, I keep thinking the phone is ringing.
  • Elton John is nice music to mellow out to.
  • Love Linkin Park - they're always good despite my mood or whether I'm high or not
  • Love Renegades by X Ambassadors, too. I think I Am is by them, too, which I also like or is it the one called Unsteady?
  • Tell me Rise Against wasn't strongly influenced by Linkin Park AND Brandom Flowers and Chris deBurgh
  • I really wish they hadn't cancelled their show in Hamilton. I was so looking forward to it (Rise Against opening for Linkin Park - nice)
  • I love cranking up the videos but I can't do anything else when they're on because they're so distracting.
  • I love Twenty One Pilots' label name - "Fueled by Ramen" :thumb:
  • The posted emoticons are considerably bigger (and easier) to see than the ones I choose from.
  • Really like Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves.
  • HATE Gorillaz!
  • HATE Alabama Shakes, too
  • Classic Rock often makes me feel nostalgic and sometimes surprised that I used to really like it.
  • ELO reminds me of Queen sort of
  • LOVE Bad Habit by The Offspring - it's definitely a good, rocking song.
  • Our Lady Peace reminds me of Moist (or vice versa, maybe?) and a little bit of Pearl Jam
  • Speaking of Pearl Jam - I tried for 45 minutes yesterday to get two tickets to the Pearl Jam show at Wrigley Field in Chicago for my husband as that's one of his most favourite musicians playing at his favourite baseball park. It was very tedious and at the end of it, I had nothing. And, the online scalpers, e.g. Stubhub were selling tickets in the worst seats for $161+ for one seat, US$! That's crazy and we'd still have to get there and have somewhere to stay and it could turn out costing us thousands of dollars just because we really, really wanted to go to that one concert. My husband said it would be worth it to him but I mainly want to go because I know he would be thrilled. I like Pearl Jam but I've already seen them 3 times in concert and they were great but I'd personally rather see someone else. I just emailed my husband info about a folk festival this summer that's headlining Bruce Cockburn. Coincidentally, it's the same weekend as the Wrigley Field PJ concerts but at $110 CDN per ticket and we can drive there in less than 3 hours, it's considerably less expensive than going to Chicago. I've seen Bruce Cockburn before, too and loved his show and would love to see him again.
  • We went to this particular summer festival about 2 decades ago and the headlining act was Ian and Sylvia Tyson plus Leahy and despite the fact that it poured rain for the most part over 3 days, it was an AWESOME concert! Of course, I was 20 years younger back then and didn't have so many physical issues/conditions but I think it would be fun.
  • The lyrics of Clumsy seem unfriendly/mean to me but I do like the song
  • Raine Maida's voice in 4am reminds me of Paul Williams in the Phantom of the Paradise movie. Love that soundtrack! It's probably my favourite musical movie.
  • I think I confused The Raconteurs with The Bravery.

Bands I'm Not Sure About (especially when I'm high):

  • Muse
  • Weezer (I like their lyrics better than their music usually)
  • Peter Bjorn and John - their name confuses me as the singer sounds like a girl but Peter and John are guys' names
  • I think I like Metric better when I'm high.
  • I think I live Whitehorse better when I'm high, too.
  • I Wanna Be Your Man by Yukon Blonde - another one I like better when I'm high

Good Music to Just Rock Out To:
  • Our Lady Peace
  • The Offspring
  • The Black Keys
  • Green Day
  • A Decade by Our Lady Peace
  • Somewhere Out There by Our Lady Peace
  • Steady As She Goes by The Raconteurs


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