Repeal Marijuana Prohibition

Quietus;1709194 said:
I'm Rock AKA Quietus. As a man who has seen too many lives destroyed by insane prohibition laws as well as diseases which can be prevented, reversed, or cured through the use of medicinal marijuana, I am deeply involved in trying to repeal marijuana prohibition. As a Libertarian, I want the government out of my life and away from my choices as long as I am harming no one else.

I have been a police officer, soldier, sailor, and worked in two drug rehabs. Prohibition doesn't work. Period. Although I enjoy a nice buzz as much as the next guy, I don't think you need to be a pothead or regular user to justify creating a sound policy. Needless to say, being pro-legalization was not a popular stance when I was in law enforcement (Fifteen years ago, relax!). Visit Law Enforcement Against Prohibition,

Being in my late forties and rarely having done things the easy way, life is catching up with my body and me. I have a half dozen physical issues which would justify the use of MMJ, but because of prohibition, I get to live with them or be a criminal. I have no desire to be a martyr, but there is power in numbers and if we will educate ourselves and speak intelligently and often, making sure our voices are heard, we can bring about positive changes for ourselves, our society, our nations, and our children.

Thanks for giving us a place to share our experience, hopes, insights, and laughs.


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