SHRuuM's 1st Grow Journal Of NL - TW & EM

SHRuuM;2837968 said:
Today I repeated the same test of the "Green Pad". The room was at 925ppm when the pad was re-sprayed with water per instructions. Just to be sure, I re-calibrated the meter before testing and like yesterday, the door stayed shut[no peeking] for 6 hours. When I opened up about the same thing occurred, the readings went down not up as it should have. The meter reading was 525ppm. I'm still talking with the tech tomorrow to make sure everything is on the up and up with the meter, but right now I have to conclude that the "Green Pad" is a bust and does not provide any benefits. I kind of surmised this last month when I started using the pads on my Sativa's started a month before CKS. When I used the vinegar an baking soda there was a noticeable growth spurt after 3 days of use, whereas, I saw no improvement when using the pads for 2 weeks. But again, I'll be discussing this with the tech tomorrow and if the meter is in proper working order then its a positive find of the "Green Pad" being a bust.


Experiment. Verify the meter is around 400ppm. Don't breath on it. Put it in on the floor of a large plastic bin with a lid. Put a pad in the bin. cover the bin. Every hour or so, peak under the cover and record the CO2 level. Remember, CO2 is heavier than air so if you don't disturb it, it should not change the CO2 level.

in a few hours, knowing the rise in CO2 for that given volume of air, you should be able to calculate the amount of CO2 the pad actually generates. For example, if the pad generated 600ppm of additional CO2 (1,000ppm reading on LCD) in a 4 sq/ft box, in a 700 sq/ft grow room this means it would only generate a 0.5% increase, which isn't enough to make a difference. Realistically, in such a small box, it should throw the meter over its 9999ppm limit fairly quickly. You could graph your actual data and share the results. That might be useful to other growers.
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Thanks I will try that in a couple of days due to work constraints. I did talk to "N" a tech there and he confirmed that the LED's pose no interference with with the detection unit. When I left for a job 6 hours ago the room was at 950ppm and when I got back the room was at 325 ppm. and the door was closed the whole time. I'll be doing a test with the "Enhance" co2 generator system and I expect different results, but I will post findings, good, bad or otherwise. I believe now that the meter is working properly but only time and tests will tell. Thanks
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