SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

B A R;2354898 said:
I put it all together so I can blog it for my notes & more importantly so others can read the whole thing. Thanxx SoulGirl...
SoilGirl;2354872 said:
- here's a Clackamas Coot quote off of buildasoil's site:

"...The other big one is corn and this seed produces a wide range of Cytokinins on par with coconut water. With the international market demand for coconut water is pushing the price higher and higher and it’s only going to get worse. By using sprouted corn teas you will get the benefits from the Cytokinins without the expense. You don’t need to order organic corn seeds online or jump through hoops – just head over to your favorite supermarket and go to the popcorn section and buy an organic popcorn. Even Wallmart carries 3 or 4 brands of organic popcorn.
One thing about using corn is that I found it easier to puree these seeds once the tap roots grew out to 1" or so which softened the original corn seed.
I switch between alfalfa and corn seeds during the vegetative for the compounds I mentioned. Cytokinins will increase the girth and tinsel strength of the side branches and stronger branches will produce larger and heavier flowers."
- Clackamas Coots
SoilGirl;2351581 said:
Anyways let me go in depth as to how to do a simple Sprouted Seed tea, since it confounded me at first, and this is my first time doing it. No bubbling necessary. So part one: you get a clean jar, 2 tablespoons of seeds, pretty much anything but use organic :) (I used a tablespoon of homegrown organic hermie cannabis seeds :laughtwo: and a tablespoon of my buildasoil top cover (living mulch) seeds) and enough filtered (good), RO (better), or rain-water (best) to soak them thoroughly. Put it in a dark, not too cold place for the next 12 hours or so.

then get a fine wire strainer, dump that water (it's full of growth inhibitors) and the seeds through the strainer, rinse with your good water, then return the wet seeds to the dry jar. I was confused about this, but there should be enough moisture there to continue sprouting your seeds. (but you can put a paper towel down if you feel safer that way, I've never done this before maybe its going to totally fail hahaha - I guess we'll see - copy me at your own peril, maybe we'll reap the rewards! maybe not, I might have misunderstood my directions entirely.)

now you can cover them and let them wait 12 hrs before rinsing them like you did before, then return them to the dry mason jar for another 12 hours. do this repeatedly until the sprouts are showing, then you can either ferment them (making a rejuvelac sort of enzyme tea) for another 24-48 hours, that some people think may kill the enzymes... well I'm going to do way #2 which is way faster, and yields more enzymes and a generally more living tea; just add good water to the sprouts and blend, then dilute that in a half gallon of water. Then use that dilution to further dilute the tea at a 1 cup:1 gallon ratio, and use as a drench. The enzymes will really help break down organic matter, which not only helps get the whole organic IPM system in place, but encourages micro-activity and feeds the SFW. Great stuff - if it all works out! :hippy: wish me luck with that... That's how I sprouted mine.


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