SweetSue's Perpetual 2.0 - Radogast's Brownie Recipe using ABV

Radogast;3363694 said:
JPinkman;3363475 said:
My primary use is for severe chronic nerve pain in my lower back due to degenerative disk disease and multiple herniated disks. For this type of pain I find vaping more effective then smoking, and edibles most effective of all, although I end up in the twilight zone. I do notice a difference between vaped sativas and indicas, but it's not as pronounced as my LP would have me believe.

I havent tried edibles for the (occasional) migraine because I typically saved them for really bad lower back days. Now that Im growing my own Ill be able to afford to try.

For a hybrid stoned state, and for a sativa powered busy day, I prefer smoking. For the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, an ankle broken in 3 places, and plantars fasciatis my wife agrees with you that vaping is superior to smoking.

I know I repeat myself, so forgive me i've I've said this before, but for 4 years we have made all our edibles (brownies and cookies) from ABV (Already Been Vaped.) We buy the family size (18 oz) brownie mixes that require adding oil (a carrier for marijuana) and then stir in 2 TBSP (aka 6 tsp / 30 ml / 1 fluid oz) of ABV. The vaping process has decarboxylated the marijuana and the 'green' flavor is toasted out, so ABV makes very nice edibles. No planning is required, just add the ABV as a dry ingredient and do everything else as normal.

At this strength, 1 brownie for light weights (me) and 2 brownies for heavy users is a powerful high. A good sativa brownie hits me like a good sativa smoke, except it lasts for hours and hours. For pain management, 2 brownies is good pain management and 3 brownies will help you no longer care about pain.

For a regular vape user, abv is free edibles. We save the ABV out of the vape in an old 35mm film canister. When the canister is full, it's brownie time. If for some reason the ABV coming out of the vape is burnt black, we throw it in the ash tray.


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