Taco Leaves!

Ok so today it seems a little worse. I added an extra fan in Veg and realigned other one... I also added one on the PC in flower but if this was going on before it went into flower then that could be the reason (just hadnt shown tacoism yet) Or it is heat related because the new T5 and the new LED's are the ones doing it.. The plants under my other LED are not showing signs and have been on a diff res.

I mean look at this light...


So the leaves...


I also noticed some spots like these....


Sp possibly the issue was nute or res related but it was all replaced a couple days ago. The roots on plants have no film.. squeaky clean. I added a little DMZ in there anyway...

PH in Veg went all the way up to 6.4 but i was going to wait to dilute it down ..

In flower it only made it back up to 4.9 so far but last time it took the extra day compared to Veg.

So plenty of more fans now and more specifically blowing...

I also may work on a way to move the light higher... there is a ceiling duct in the way so hmmm...

Ok so I will show the rest since I had the camera Out


there are the clones... So they are all doing fine! Waiting..


Most of these plants will be culled... sad as they are all really perfect for flower now.. but I have four in Flower now and I want the last two spots for the Sour Diesel and Holy Grail. I will throw the best in as soon as I harvest the TW in there....

Check it out...

That TW was a clone that just couldn't grow due to my noobism. But I salvaged it into that bush! It has one more week of flush...


And this one is a WW that I had topped.. One side when I HST'd it kinda well i was too agressive.. so I made that into a clone in the top feed. Still not dead but no idea if it will get roots.. havent looked and none out of pot yet. The Plant didnt like it and it stunted bad.. Growing but uncertain if it will be worth it in the end... No extra cost to me just my time....


The DCC is on the left and it is a hearty strain.. It is a week behind the WW but it far surpassed it in growth....


Then last I have that PC and it is the only one under the new LED's .. Almost 400 true watts of spectrum! It has the taco shit too so what the fuck ever....

Opps sorry...


Ok so it is actually doing some amazing growing just as the last PC did. I miss this strain. I do have some but only my bestest buds from last time So I will wait...

So i guess that is really about it....

Chime up if someone notices something on those leaf pic's

Thanks for stopping by




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