Tamir's Purple Lemon Cookies Grow DWC CFL/T5 VEG & 600w HPS Flower

Tamir;2251899 said:
B A R;2251847 said:
And exactly how do you go about treating your RR after placing the cracked beans in them. Also how long do you let the tap-root get? I want to get my germinating down to a science. I've been wasting too many beans.

Great question... so let me give you my whole process of starting seeds.

First, I soak my seeds in regular NYC tap water in shot glasses in my darkest kitchen cabinet for approx 24hrs (starting in morning beofre work). if they are the same strain they can go in the same glass. if not i separate and label. I also soak my rapid rooters in shot glasses for the same amount of time.

after 24rs(the next morning) i check the seeds to make sure they have sunk. if not i give them a tap so they can rest on the bottom of the glass. when i return from work (approx 5pm) i check them again to see if they have cracked open(slight tap root exposed). At this time i remove the seeds from their baths. I take a paper towel and wet it with warm water. I line the bottom of a black Tupperware container and place the seeds on top of the paper towel. I fold the paper towel over so that the seeds are covered. I then take another Tupperware and place it on top of the first one to create a high humidity environment. I place this whole set up in a dark closet(or any dark place) and check on it until the tap roots are fully exposed. I check approx every 8hrs and re-moisten the paper towel as needed.

This is when I usually place the seedling into the rapid rooters tap root down

I place the rapid rooter(with seeds inserted) in a propagation tray (flEaBay for about $18). I place about 2 cups of water in the tray and use a spray bottle to mist the dome of the propagation tray. I check on the seedlings every morning afternoon and night. Making sure the water in the tray doesn't completely evaporate and to continuously mist the dome as well as the tops of the rapid rooters.

Once I feel there is a good root system I transplant to their next and sometimes final home.

I hope this helps brother. of theres anything else just say the word.

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