The Beginning, 3x AutoFem Bubblegum 8x auto Kush von Stitch

Allo all, Greeting and salutations from Great Britain, The home of the Olympics for 2012!! Seems as It's the End of the World and all that, I've decided to put my knowledge to the test and grow my own!

Now from the Title, You obviously know it's 8x KvS and 3xAutofem Bubblegum's - But the Downside for the Moment, Is We're only running a 200W Cfl - And That's ALOT of plants.. I know that i'm likely to get 4-5 Males from the KvS but touch wood it only turns out to be the odd 1-2, As for the lighting, I'll be adding additional 200w every fortnight hopefully, So by the time we're into our 4th week I'll have 400w in there - Specifications for my grow room are in my Photo gallery, I WILL be uploading pictures when i can get my hands on one of those nice Shiny digital cameras.

As for now I'm sitting back with a J, The 8 KvS are germinating in the Dark room, The Bubblegums (Sigh) Haven't arrived yet, 10 Days and counting - My personal opinion on "Drgreenstore" - Don't use them, Deliveries take the piss! I Used just feminized, Ordered Yesterday, they were in my post box this morning.. Veryy happy!

Right so now i'm going to get down to some more specifics

Compost: West+ Light and easy (Feeds for upto 4 months) <?!?!?!?!
Watering: Clean Stilled water, Left over night on the Side!
Other Stuff:
*Perlite 1L in the post, Going to use to cover the tops of plant soil when they're transplanted (Or Should i mix it in with the compost?)

Just for those Lazy gits who Didn't want to go and check the photos for the Spec's of the room; Your looking at

H 80CM = 31.5 Inches
L 45CM = 17.7 Inches
W 87CM = 34.2 Inches

So as you guys can see, The standard 200W cfl pretty much fills up half of the area anyway :S Lol, I know these plants are so Either overgrowing my Grow Space or Dying, But With the addition of more light they'll be fine i reckon

Anyway guys Opinions please :) Thanks all


Okayy, So Anyway - 12 Hours after seeds were dropped in there little waterhole they've decided to sink! I've put them all in there individual british throw away party cups filled with compost, Give each of them about 2-3 teaspoons of Still water, and put them in a hot cupboard with a Small portable radiator above on Wooden beams with a Glass of water next to that to Humidify the entire room well!
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