Treating RA With MMJ

HashGirl;3151353 said:
Hello Sue and Tim.

I ran across this article here on 420 that has some interesting info in it about using cannabis as a DMARD:


I was particularly impressed by the part that said:

A Phase I clinical trial conducted in Paris this summer found that a
synthetic derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a major psychoactive
component of marijuana, relieved pain and reduced inflammation without
producing psychogenic effects.

In a new study released in August, the authors say their research shows one
of the cannabinoids, called cannabidiol, suppressed progression of disease
and joint damage in mice that had been injected with collagen to produce an
arthritis-like disease. The study, from the Kennedy Institute of
Rheumatology in London and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, also showed that
cannabidiol suppressed the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which is
known to contribute to RA, in test tube studies of cells from these mice.

Even though they distilled cannabidiol from a powerful, concentrated form
of marijuana called hashish, it is not psychoactive and wouldn't make users

Study author Marc Feldmann, MD, PhD, of the Kennedy Institute of
Rheumatology and a major TNF researcher, was cautiously optimistic. "When
it works in mice, you're happy," he says, "but that's no guarantee it will
work in humans. However, this is a pure pharmaceutical compound that
doesn't have psychoactive effects, so it can be taken seriously as a drug."

SweetSue;3150100 said:
I'll keep my ear to the ground about this HashGirl. In future, there will be research on cannabis and everything.

Tennessee Tim;3150525 said:
:rollit:Hello HashGirl! Thanks for your input and caring! My hope and current belief is that the MMJ is impeding the disease, including joint deformation/deteriation and other immune conditions! :thumb: The current pain management is livable, actually improved over the RX therapy with Methotrexate and etc.! No visible deformation occurring rapidly. I feel pretty good and am able to work a part time job, again! All we can do is report our observations and hope! :cheesygrinsmiley: I will go get a doctors imput again in late spring most likely! I may not restart on the Meds the doctor orders! If I agree, that my mmj therapy lacks something I need, I will consider new meds/changes in my medication plan!:scratchinghead: If you run across anything on DMARD and MMJ I would love to hear about it!

Tennessee Tim;3149031 said:
:cheesygrinsmiley:I thought it time to mention, I have been off all meds prescribed by my rheumatologist for treating RA, since just prior to July 1,2016 ! Does that mean I am pain free all the time? No, but I am not waking at night with aching pain in my hips and groin or shooting pain in my fingers and hands like I was before, even with methotrexate therapy. :hmmmm: I am not sure it is all, the cannabis that I smoke or eat, that has improved my condition. But at the least it has not hurt with controlling symptoms either! I think my somewhat increased activity level, less sodas, less salt, and less pharmaceuticals of any kind, has all played a role! :lot-o-toke: I have had so much THC in my system at times past, that I was probably overloaded and defeated any benefits from the herb! Once I began to be a bit more measured in my dosing and reduced my intake I began to get results, it seems! :tokin: For quick effects I smoke or vape but seem to get more real health improvement from the Butter that I prefer, taken in small doses once or perhaps twice daily. This even more than the very concentrated oils WE make or get from infirmaries. I sometimes skip a day or a few days taking any cannabis and feel OK . When I begin to get aches and pains I dose up again!. :peace: No science to relay, just observations! My problems with panic attacks and claustrophobia has improved as well, but anxiety still lingers at times! If I smoke or vape too much nowadays, this can be a bit of a problem and bring me closer to a panic attack than I care to be! For me , It is about balancing my past stoner mentality with a more measured approach to relaxing with cannabis and medicating for pain with it as well!:cheesygrinsmiley: I goof up plenty, but overall I am doing much better anyway!


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