Using Rabbit Manure - Directly on your soil

In The Living Medicine Cabinet I mentioned rabbit manure as an organic fertilizer able to be applied fresh from the rabbit, to the surprise of others in the thread. I used to have a commercial rabbitry in the 80s with over 200 animals and my gardens looked terrific due to the application of rabbit "pellets", a manure that will not burn your plants. I wanted to expound on the use a little more here.

Because rabbit manure is dry, odorless and in pellet form it makes direct use suitable in the garden. It helps give your plants a natural boost during the growing season or when applied in the late fall and winter it makes your soil richer come planting time in the spring. Because it is considered a cold manure there is no threat of burning plants and roots. It will also improve the life cycle of the beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Use it as a top-dressing, mulch around plants, make a manure tea or bury in the ground under transplants right from the rabbit. Rabbit manure is packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and many minerals, lots of micro-nutrients, plus many other beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper, and cobalt just to name a few.

Nitrogen(N) - Rabbit manure is higher in nitrogen than sheep, goat, pig, chicken, cow or horse manure. Plants need nitrogen to produce a lush green growth. Nitrogen helps plants grow greener and stronger helping the plant reach its full potential. This is great for all those quick growing salad greens! Great for the early growth of tomatoes, corn, and many other vegetables.

Phosphorus(P) - Rabbit manure is also higher in phosphorus than the other manures. It helps with the transformation of solar energy to chemical energy. Which in turn helps with proper plant growth. Phosphorus also helps plants to withstand stress. Phosphorus in the soil encourages more and bigger blossoms helping with flowering and fruiting also great for root growth.

Potassium(K) - Potassium helps with fruit quality and reduction of disease plants will not grow without it. Plants use potassium as an enzyme to produce proteins and sugars.They also uses potassium to control water content.

More than just the awesome NPK values of rabbit manure it is loaded with a host of micro-nutrients as well as organic matter that improves soil structure, drainage, and moisture retention. Vegetable gardens, pastures, and flower gardens all will benefit from using rabbit manure. It helps retain soil moisture and soil structure.

Rabbit manure is one of the few fertilizers that will not burn your plants when added directly to the garden and can be safely used on food plants.

I used to keep red worms under my rabbit cages and these too love the rabbit pellets. Put the red worms in your soil as well or in the compost bin, they will thrive.


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