Week 5 of flowering

vinnya;3009365 said:
I am having some problems with my 2 blueberry plants. The one plant, that is in it's 5th week and is about two weeks older than the other one, doesn't have buds, except for one or two stems, and the leaves are yellow and some of the leaves also are dead on the ends. The other one has buds, and looks pretty good, but I had to do some serious lollipopping of both plants to get things started. I did that about two weeks ago. I was wondering what was wrong with the one plant, and also, if I could extend the grow period by 2 to 4 weeks by adding more nitrogen than phosphorus to the soil so I could possibly get more buds. Let me give you some info on the plants, the soil, fertilizer, lights and other things I am doing with the plant. First of all, these are 2nd generation plants that I took of the originals. One, the older one, has more sativa and has thinner leaves. The younger one is from the plant with slightly wider leaves and slightly more indica. I gave them about a month to set and grow under a 100 watt fluorescent light made specifically for that purpose. The were originally place in small, 4 inch pots, with Farfard soil, a soil with a very slight fertilizer from Shop Rite. After about a month to five weeks, I transferred them to 12 inch pots, using this Farfard soil. They were placed under 2-400 cfl lights with aluminum hoods in a closet that measured 2 foot by 4 foot high. I also installed a small 4 inch fan facing downward directly onto the plants for circulation and cut 2 small holes in the bottom of the closet on each side in the back to run the wires and for circulation, which is being covered by pieces of charcoal filters used for air conditioning. I also cut a hole on the side on top, which I covered so no light would enter in. That was going to be for a fan, but that never happened. They grew very well under the cfl lights. In fact, they were very bushy and thick. I did not lollipop them because I wanted to get more smaller buds because of the lack of space. Was that wrong? I hear that you should lollipop the bottom branches and remove the suckers in between but i let them grow. After about 5 weeks I turned down the light to 12 hours. It took about three weeks before I started seeing buds and that is what I am basing my time on. Now, in the fifth week (started this past Friday), the plants seem like they are lagging behind. I know it takes AT LEAST twelve weeks to finish, but I found, under cfl's, it takes a week or two longer. Just about two weeks ago, I finally lollipopped them both, removing the bottom branches, the suckers, and any side shoots that looked like they weren't doing much. It seemed to help but they still look pretty bad compared to other pictures I've seen of other plants, and even other blueberry plants. About two weeks ago, I took the top half of the soil off and replaced it with Happy Frog soil and a 40 percent vermiculite mix. That also seemed to help. I am using PH Perfect fertilizer, a 3-part fertilizer. It says to use about 4 ml per gallon but I am using 4 ml per quart (that's about 4 large eye droppers worth per part), along with a tablespoon or so of blackstrap molasses, and a mix of terpenes from various spices (sorry, can't give you that mix, it's secret) and mangos blended, that has been ph corrected. I fertilize once a week, then after about 4 days, after the soil dries enough, I flush with filtered water all the way through and check the ph again. I check it after fertilizing and after flushing also. The ph right now is about 7 to 7.5. That is a little alkaline, I know and I am going to correct this tomorrow after I fertilize it again. Does the fact that it is overly alkaline affect the plant? How? I also use that terpene mix as a foliar spray, with just a small amount of nitrogen (the second part of the PH perfect, that is only nitrogen, calcium and a little iron), at one quarter strength and spray the whole plant. You see, I am trying to get the other effects that these terpenes give. For example, ginger, is an anti-cancer and antibotic. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory. Pine is good for memory. I figure, by adding these elements slowly and a little at a time over a long period of time (the time it takes for the flowering process), the plant will have absorbed enough of it through the soil and foliar spray to have some of these benefits you get from other types of pot, mostly the indicas, without the heavy, couch-lock. What do you think about that?? I make sure I always check and adjust the ph so it is in the 6.0 to 6.5 range. I do the same for the water flush and the nutrient mix also. I have the 4th generation blueberry (just one this time) waiting in the wings under the 100 watt light. I would like your opinion on this and what I need to do to stop the yellowing of the leaves and the browning and dying of some of the ends (a very small amount, only maybe a couple of percentage of the leaves are brown at the end). I would have enclosed pics of the two plants, but this format will not let me upload pics from my computer.


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