Welcome to SmokerJoes

Hello and welcome to my very first blog entry. For a long time I wasnt sure what to post here or what I wanted this to be about. I wasnt really sure how people would view this or find it if they could like it or give me reps through here if they chose to do so. I came to the conclusion that likes and reps are nice and all but I dont need to be validated that way. The only validation I need is from myself mainly and the fact that perhaps I can teach you things you didnt know or things you may be encouraged to try yourself. I originally was just going to post these things in my journals as they came about but I dont feel that is personal enough. Also the reason I am posting here is because you took the time to come here and intentionally find what I have to say. My blog entries will be about growing and techniques of course but I also will be discussing activism and politics in general and felt this is a more appropriate place for those types of things as not to make the grow journals full of random tidbits strewn about like a battlefield of information. So from now on I will be putting any specific information such as the ones I discussed prior and new ones along with anything I feel is relevant to you and your life right here. So welcome to my introductory blog grab a seat and lets have some fun. Thanks


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