What a Long Strange Trip it's Been!

I'm not certain that this is even where I should post this but here it goes and I'm sure if I am in the wrong place, (it wouldn't be the first time) , some one will kindly let me know. I wanted to join this site because it seems to be the ellowist friendliest site I have found. Here is a little about myself

I'm an old guy. I started growing for friends back in 1976 when I didn't even smoke. I have a B.S. in Horticulture and have been growing since then.
I am a professional farmer of produce so I guess I kind of come by this naturally. I have been growing produce since I was 10.

Back in 1979-81 I began to try to improve the mexican and columbian genetics that i had been working with. I copped (that's 70's terminology for you youngsters out there) some thai sticks with seeds, I was even able to get some loose thai from a diplomatic source as my reputation grew. Some friends went to Jamaica on spring break and brought me some lambs bread seeds. But none of these did much for the important part of strain improvement that I was looking for. You see back then the seeds had the kick. Mexican varieties yielded earlier and crossed with columbian santa Marta golds and reds made them even better.But they flowered so late in the midwest that they didn't yield the large mature buds that i was shooting for. Finally in the 81 I got some Afghan seeds from Chicago. That was the ticket.I began crossing affies with jamaican /thai/mexican crosses that I had been working with. The funny thing was that the bigger sticky buds that we grew no one was interested in buying at 100 dollars and ounce! We had to lie and say that it was Maui Wowie then they snatched them up like candy and bragged to their friends about the killer weed they had scored! It makes me laugh even today.

After years of low level outdoor guerilla grows just a few heavily pruned plants pinned down in the fence rows for personal use. I have to admit I am proud and even a little envious of some of the newer growers on here! You folks are kickin some serious butt. Back in the day when the fuzz wasn't flying all over the place me Linc , Pete and Julie (that's another throw back reference to you youngsters out there) could put a thousand plants in a cornfield ad get away with it. Now those were some harvest parties.

I have come up with alot of tips and hints and am more than willing to share some of my limited knowledge. Ive done buckets with soil, Hydro woods and field grows. I found that walk in coolers make great grow rooms.

I look forward hearing from some of you folks on this site and wish you all the best.

Your Bud,


Holler thanks for the invite. Great and insightful blog, glad to see you keep it going for us old and young. Bringing me back to drive ins, mushrooms and lids oh yeah! I'm along for the righteous ride my friend. Do you have a link to your auto grows, I've got some Blue Dream and Pineapple Chunk in the ground and terming some autos right now for outdoors grow, if you get time you are welcomed to stop in and check my link.

I love your part of the country, and even more so love no neighbors. I'm on just 80 acres with no one around for 5 miles, in the flat open farm country of the deep south. Been looking at mountain property for retirement just concerned I'll never find a place like I've got now where no one bothers me. Been trying to start up some beds just for growing cuttings to sell as a business for retirement, selling cuttings and liners kinda thing.

Thanks again for your blog and wishing you and yours well up on the ridge.
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Hey CaptainB! Growing in the deep south offers a set of unique challenges. My bride's family lived just in Northeastern Georgia I really liked it down there. I have seen some good weed grown down there too.
I saw your question on training plants in brambles for added concealment. I will jump in the truck and head over to the Mountain and answer that one for you. Glad you could make it out. It looks like from your link that you have it going on too. We must have a lot in common. I built a raised blind like yours back in an old apple orchard. It was soo nice we called it the Hilton!
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UptheHoller I also appreciate your help in growing with comments centered in the mid-west where I reside. I am in fact a brother Hoosier, born & raised in Mishawaka, but living in Ohio since 69. I live in a more agriculture area with beans and corn everywhere. Last year you spoke of not growing in corn fields due to the toxic nature of the soil, it is all I know other than coming in the house with it. I have been a long time cornfield guy, I have learned to make smaller patches to keep them from prying eyes in the sky but spread them out. The soil is full of fertilizers so I need to do nothing and now with Feminized seeds I only need to visit once to put out and once to harvest, if I get itchy for a visit and double check for any males sneaking in around labor day. I was hoping you can expand your thoughts on crop field plantings.
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Hey Weekender! Such a pleasure to have you visit us out here! I just got back from doing a quick check of a few plants. We had a pretty good series of storms blow up. I knew it was coming so I had gone out and juiced them yesterday morning. I never ceases to amaze me what tremendous effect that fertilizing right before you get a good soaking rain has on the plant! You can watch corn grow if you go out and spread a little urea down the rows right before a rain. Instantaneous growth! Cornfield grows are still common place and very successful. But you have to be aware of what farmers are putting down now. Some still use pre-emergence herbicides but many are now doing an early burn down then no tilling the crop in. If you see a field with many dead small weeds in the rows, that's what they did. Often times they then come back when the corn is knee to even head high and use a high boy sprayer to again kill any weed growth with Roundup. So obviously if you have plants in that field they will be lost. The caution then is either to plant late after the Roundup application or to plant the edges where the sprayer cant go.
You kind of have to have a trained eye and put yourself in the place of the sprayer driver to notice things that they will have to go around. There is not too much worry about the sprayer operators seeing your plants they are much too busy watching their gauges and in most cases now days GPS systems. I still do a few cornfield grows generally now days but usually with my left over plants at the end of the season when I need a home for them.
I know in Ohio that the LE starts fly overs in the northern part of the state and then follow the ripening corn south. That is also a concern since it is pretty common practice and it lets you know what they concentrate on. Go online and check when in your county they do this. It is generally the same week each year. Going out and checking and touching up concealment or stripping some of the leaves on your by then flowering plants is also a wise move. I even do the step technique on prominent plants at that time if I am concerned about them being seen. I can give you more tips on cornfield grows if you would like but you probably have it well in hand.....plus my Bride just came in with a big bowl of home grown strawberries that shes ladling on top of her locally famous white cornbread with whipped cream....so you are more than welcome to stay! Then we'll burn one with a cup of coffee. How's that sound?
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Well UptheHoller I hope the berry's were to your liking, easy on the whipped cream tough on the cholesteral numbers but I love it also.
I am still waiting to put the girls out for the year, as in my area the farmers conduct the last weed spraying when corn is knee high then I wait for the next rain to dance with the devil. I have tried fence rows and the animals just eat everything up, chop it off at the ground while the plants are small, also using anything organic just draws in critters with that they tend to dig up the plants looking for the dead fish . So i have changed my approach to about 25 rows out in the field not many mice travel that far, once the plants get bigger nothing messes with them other than the occasional deer, another reason I stay out of fence rows. Last year one of my spots were taken down by our local bear a good reason to spread it out by a few miles. With the amount of deer hunters around me I have trouble in woods, marsh and fence rows, in early Sept they start hiking around. I was just concerned with what you had to say about corn field grows and want to be sure I am not hurting anything with my "stuff".
I wish you a great season and year. I am just excited to get my first year of all feminized plants in the field.
Next year I am going to try a batch of feminized plants and raise them, spray (silver) to make just make Feminized Seed for this area as of Jan, 2017 it will be legal to grow in Ohio for Recreational, quite a bit of promise here in the buckeye state, never saw it coming as fast as it is moving along right now. So I will be looking for your advice on that dangerous grow.
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Hey Weekender! I'm afraid life without bacon and lard ain't worth living to me! Whipped cream butter, never margarine, and eggs when ever I feel like it. But we rin a produce farm so that's all inter-mixed with plenty of fresh fruits and vegs. My bride's family was from Tennessee to Indiana pretty much all country folks and she has 150 year old recipes we are still using! Life is really good! Hey remember fencerows don't have to mean "in" the fence row. Often times I plant on the outer edge of the fence row and bend the plant back into it. A little lower branch training / pruning and the critters have a runway. Fencerows are little highways. I do trap in the winter. I have to I grow produce and I shoot any groundhog on sight. Spreading out is always a plus but I don't drive with it at harvest time. They sit out around here on those moonlit September/ October nights. If I can't hike or canoe to it...then I don't go. I like to keep my options open. I had long time breeding project go awry trying to make feminized seeds.
So things don't always go as planned..live and learn my friend! We too have the occasional bear mostly moving through looking for new territory. Other than knocking over and slightly pillaging a couple of hives
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Hey up the Holler I also loved Bacon and Eggs until I felt ill and then on to open heart by-pass surgery, I now review my eats and just hold off for myself when possible on the fat. Ol' guys kinda have to watch that a bit. But I am no doctor and you seem fit as a fiddle so carry on my friend.
1. What would you recommend for ongoing feeding while watering once or twice a week. For years I use regular Miracle Grow in my water to feed and water at the same time until they go out in the field. I works for me but I have read that MG might not be my best choice. Still using it now.
This year as a soil guy I started testing my PH in the water and that was way off and now corrected. PH is right but don't see much change in growth as it is just fine. Was and is.
2. Now the second question, is to test the PH in Soil, but why, I can not do much about the clay/loam that we have here. Does the PH tell me what is in the soil or even alert me to what I need, I only visit the garden's twice and I surely not carrying heavy jugs or gallons of water but maybe something light if it is needed. Be specific on what I should be applying. This is corn fields that have had major amounts of nutrients placed in them for corn. I would think maybe something for the mid August visit, just prior to flowering. Lets just talk generally speaking as I have no numbers for you to crunch.
Keep it in simple terms for me please. I am nearly as old as dirt.
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I have retired (medically) due to not being able to breathe due to a malformation in my throat that has no cure and will be fatal. I started doing medical weed and it actually made my breathing easier and I do not have to take all those drugs for depression and anxiety when I can't breathe. I have to Vape it though in order to get the benefits of the weed. After I Vape, I can breathe easier and it lasts most of the day. I use about a gram a day and I feel better than I have in a long time. I have a good Sativa hybrid (AK-47) that gives me enough energy to have a garden.

Yesterday, I lost my entire Butternut Squash crop due to a bug boring into the chamber of the stem and obstructing it. I pulled all the plants and was wondering if I can re-start the squash in the same area? Do I have to do anything to the soil to prevent this again or is it not a good idea to re-plant there ? Really a bad year in TX. We got flooded out the entire month of June and the bug population is terrible.

If you could give me any information about getting my squash going again, I would greatly appreciate it. They have well more than enough time if we re-start now.

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Hey Biker Dude! Glad to have you come by for a visit. Man butternut squash make the best pies! There are a number of stem borers that attack both summer and winter squash. Once they do their damage the plant either struggles to grow or is in fact killed.. The answer is yes you can replant.
I'm glad the vaping is helping you. there are times that I think that my daily vinegar dose and weed is what keeps me upright! Best of luck in all you grow!
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I Am once again Humbled by this Truly Amazing Site/Forum Every Single Friend & Or Family Member of mine thinks I'm Nuts posting and typing via 420 forums. It's been over a Year as I changed my handle from my name 2 Cabinet Grower. & I just might change it back again too. Nah, just getting my Brother sitting here being nosy & Nervous. LMAO. "That's Right Watch the Door Bro. Their coming in any second eh! For my Huge 4 Plant Grow Op Huh! PLEEEAAASE!!! :high-five: What Can I Say? some peoples kids eh! Oh! I just had to send out a Howdy Do & How R U? I enjoy g more than Growing My Medication today. & I'm Quite Positive I'll Do So Till It's My Time for the Big Napp Eh! LOL. When I read that of which you've typed here & I'm Hoping I Might Get some Feed Back about Finding my Own Perfect Strain to or I Should say STRAINS. I Mean there's Soo Much SHIGHT out there About Growing that it really does get one all confused as shight If U Let It. I Know. I just want to have a look @ Some of your Sweet Strains & Maybe get some Advice On THE BEST WAY To FLUSH & Cure My Marijuana So As I Taste & Smell ONLY WHAT I Intended To When Growing Said Strain? I'm Brand New to this whole Cross Breeding & Gene Splicing Techniques. I Hope to hear from you.

Sincerely: Don D. :Namaste: :Namaste:
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Copping a buzz,Thai stick,bags of seed weed,whoa!! You guys are making me feel old.Guess what,I am.Thanks for the memories.My first attempt at growing,at age 15,I sprouted the seeds,and put them in the ground with the taproot pointing up!!! We all know how that worked out.NOT!
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uptheholler;bt7514 said:
Ralph Buddy Glad to have you as a friend on here! I too grew up in Indiana where we have great sunsets, hot hay fields and damn good watermelon. I remeber when most of the sheriffs were local guys who probably graduated high school with your sister! Most of the time if you got pulled over they would make you pour out the 3/2 beer that you drove to Ohio to buy. Ask you if any weed was in the car and if you said yes they would make you dump the bag in the ditch and tell you to get your ass back home. The problem back then was boredom. you would drive around town run into people and agree to meet at some country crossroad intersection or bridge on some creek and have a road party. You know pop the trunks and crank some Allmand Brothers! I envy you guys in Colorado right now. Must be great! I do hydro in the off season and still a few low profile grows in season. Mainly because I can't afford these insane prices. I'd be happy with a 15 dollar oz of Oxacan or a 25 dollar oz of Gold Columbian buds hard as rocks and full of seeds! Still made us laugh our asses off!
Happy to count you among the tribe!
Hey I love what you said... 'hunt ducks with a rake' ... Love it! I'm just a 59 year old fart and just got introduced to Cannabis 5 years ago. But once I started, man, this is it! Forget the other 'hard drugs'. There's no need for them. I have done extensive research and now know that Cannabis is a wonder plant that God created for our use and healing. Peace, Love, and good vibes to everyone reading this!
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Journee;bt12051 said:
Seems my young Dane either likes the taste of my plants or is just curious, but her big nose wiped out my fragile plants. She did this with some geranium seedlings, so I should have protected these plants better knowing she is inclined to do this. I will try again next spring.
We have had so much rain it will be weeks before I will be able to bale some hay. But, the field is looking good in spite of the fact that much of the field has standing water from the last deluge. Some of my favorite plant cuttings from last year are healthy enough now to transplant out of the buckets. For some reason I have not had success with azalea cuttings. I think with all the moisture the fungal family is a problem. My Chantilly Lantana looks about dead even though I sprayed it with fungicide. Seems there is always something that needs to be done. More tree trimming today and if it does not rain, herbicide spraying.
Hey man, I'm learning that it's all about GENETICS. Get some good seed from a seedbank and start growing your babies! Talk to them. Love them. Care for them and you will have some good dank buds!
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Journee;bt12065 said:
I am old now, so when I over do the work, I suffer. That is why I have become interested in growing my own herbs....to see if they will help with the aches and pains. I have made steady progress over the last three years to improve and extend my hay field, so in the years ahead I hope I will not have to work quite so hard, but as I get older, I know it is going to be more and more of a challenge to do the things that need to be done. I am a recluse and I do not trust people, so hiring someone when I get decrepit will not be an option for me. I need to find some way of keeping my old body going in order to do the things I want to do without having to hurt so much. It is not right that the law should tell me I can not grow what I need.
You got that right homie. I can't really grow outside, so I have a small grow in my closet. With the crazy Texas weather, I can't take a chance on a storm or hailstorm killing my babies. Inside, it's safer. Hahahhaha I can live with the smell. Actually, it smells quite nice... and it does go away as your babies mature..
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Journee;bt12066 said:
I have a confession....when I worked as a physician, I frequently denied prescribing narcotics to patients.....I was a gate keeper in a way, but did I have the right to decide whether a person should have access to narcotics or not? One case in the ER, I saw a girl who complained of anxiety. Records revealed she had been to the ER less than a week earlier and one of my associates had prescribed 90, 2mg Xanax.....obviously she had not gone through those 90 in less than a week.....so was she selling and trying to make a business of selling narcotics? Another case was a man who I had seen before and everytime it was obvious that he was very high. He came in high again, asking for more narcotics and I declined to prescribe them, a couple days later he was found dead from an overdose. Ultimately, I have to say that everyone has to be responsible for themselves and the choices they make. As a gatekeeper, deciding who and who should not have narcotics, I was assuming that my discernment should override free will. Does the law have the right to decide what is best for a citizen? If that is the case we are in big trouble, because those in power do not have very good intentions or judgment. In my old age, I have to consider that it is best to allow free will, the restriction of it is more harmful than the playing out of it in the end. Looking back, though, I have to say in both of those cases I probably would have done the same as I did. I should not prescribe a narcotic that will be used by someone to make profit or to commit suicide......where is the balance?
Hey man, I'm feelin' that for sure! I'll be 60 in a few months.. LOL! Grandpa doing Cannabis... whatever; what's important is WHAT heals and helps you. I grow in my closet, as the weather here is just too unpredictable! We do what we need to do to improve ourselves and keep on with life..
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uptheholler2;bt12546 said:
Hey Biker Dude! Glad to have you come by for a visit. Man butternut squash make the best pies! There are a number of stem borers that attack both summer and winter squash. Once they do their damage the plant either struggles to grow or is in fact killed.. The answer is yes you can replant.
I'm glad the vaping is helping you. there are times that I think that my daily vinegar dose and weed is what keeps me upright! Best of luck in all you grow!
Hey man, please keep us posted. I'm really sorry to hear you have a terminal condition, man that sucks! I just joined today so I'm probably behind on stuff, LOL.
Just wishing you peace, love, harmony and best of fortune in your endeavours.
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