Ugliest clones?

Ugliest clones?

My first attempt @ cloning. Living in Wallymart pressboard/cardboard 'Pantry' under 1 260W LED lamp set to only the blue lamps running. One of them 25 site cloner jobbies.
thx tbone...i thot those roots looked like fungus or something. they've been in there for 10 days today. can u tell me what you mean by water right?? i don't trust my pH or ppm meter cuz i don't know the first thing about calibrating them or have the $$$ to buy solutions at the moment...but my pH was acidic around 6.0 and ppm ~ 200 after I brita'd the water. i'm certain my water temps are way too high as the cheapass pump that came w my cloner emits heat & warms the water to a finger testing temp that is pretty warm compared to the ambient room temp. i took to putting a couple of those plastic gel freezer food chiller like chill the water 12 hr intervals...but i got to baked and had to work some 12 hr shifts so i couldn't keep that up. i suspect some crap adhered to them and clogged my cloner jets as well as they don't seem to spray as nicely. hmmm...what else to say...i hope these clones come thru my subpar conditions...cuz the mom plants were tough ho's!! they put up with a couple months of my brotha spraying straightup fertilizer on them foliar...some durban's didn't fare so well :(

werd tbone thx =D

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