Toxic Fluid


A lovely day in the grow tent.amp;nbsp;amp;nbsp; I touched my nose very briefly to the top of one of the buds shown here.amp;nbsp; 2 hours later I am still smelling it.amp;nbsp; GOOD GRIEF THIS STUFF STINKS! If you don\'t want to smell it all day DONT touch your nose with the buds. I kissed my wife this morning, (something I do frequently). She could smell it on me.amp;nbsp; It is too bad I have a cheap camera to take the pictures you see here.amp;nbsp; This particular bud, as like all the others, is doing extremely well.amp;nbsp; I plan to harvest in about 10 days.amp;nbsp; Of course it is all up to the girls as to when I harvest, but it is getting close.
I do like the smell of fresh sticky buds.amp;nbsp; I just might stick my nose in the girls again.amp;nbsp; Wait a minute!amp;nbsp; I didn\'t mean it that way.amp;nbsp; It\'s the other way.amp;nbsp; The odorifferous eminations of the blessed canibas plant fills my heart with pleasant expectations.amp;nbsp; Yeah, thats what I meant.amp;nbsp; What do you think I meant?amp;nbsp; Never mind.amp;nbsp; I\'m going to take another sniff.
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