Recent content by bfp100

  1. B

    any winnipeggers out there willing to give a new comer a hand?

    You'd think after this many views one person could give a fellow stoner some advice on atleast where to look.
  2. B

    hey all new to Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

    You would think after a 100 or so views one person would be willing to lend a look in the right direction. Thought this place was for fellow stoners.
  3. B

    any winnipeggers out there willing to give a new comer a hand?

    Hey all new to winnipeg have no contacts nor any idea where to go for waterpipe stores. Any help would be appreciated pm me or message on here.
  4. B

    hey all new to Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

    Hey all I'm new to winnipeg manitoba just moved here from barrie ontario was looking on google and couldn't find a single water pipe store was looking for some suggestions where there is one and for some new people to chill with message me in pm or on here. Thank you all in advance. :)
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