any winnipeggers out there willing to give a new comer a hand?


New Member
Hey all new to winnipeg have no contacts nor any idea where to go for waterpipe stores. Any help would be appreciated pm me or message on here.
You'd think after this many views one person could give a fellow stoner some advice on atleast where to look.
I am also in Winnipeg looking for help. I've recently moved from the west coast and am having a hard time. Part of my problem is my age. I'm older and there are no compassion clubs in town. I'm at a total loss. My Wpg Doc has been little to no help although my use is medicinal.
-What am I supposed to do? If I knew any college kids this wouldn't be so difficult I'm sure. However, I've found this site and hope to become connected to others like myself in Wpg.
Any advice would help.
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