Recent content by BillyBlaze22

  1. BillyBlaze22

    600 Watt HPS - Easy Happy Soil Grow - Easy Does It Cloning & Veg

    Thanx bro, hang in there man I can totally relate to ya as I had to do the same and if need a moment and a drink holla cuz you know Billy is always down to kill a 12er of PBR and lie about how fast we used to be. Oh, I am game for that hippy hay thing too if yer into that sort of stuff...
  2. BillyBlaze22

    Shiggityflip - Follow The Yellow Brix Road With The Perfect Sun 1000

    Dam bro, due to an assault on my garden followed up with a medical issue for family member I have not been able to check out everyone let alone start thread, after getting up to date only a couple things. Your set up is looking so badass man, garden is sticky/icky as always, your T is sick...
  3. BillyBlaze22

    700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

    So After a brief visit from that most formidable of foes Karma and her vile misstress Fate what can't find it in that Icey Tundra she calls a heart to let Billy just this once have this one thi..... sorry got carried away. We are fine and back on the gas in less time than one...
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  15. BillyBlaze22

    Going For The Frost With 2 x Perfect Sun 1000s - Laughing Buddha & Green Crack

    Good stuff man. It looks like if you dropt one of those on your glass coffee table it would shatter the table cuz is same as dropping a rock on it they are so solid lookin
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