Recent content by Borrobass

  1. Borrobass

    MJ withdrawal syndrome?

    I only smoke mj, and i drink little amounts of alcohol. I had the math exam today and i pass it with b :cool:, and after the exam i smoked a 10g blunt with some friends, good bye stomachache!
  2. Borrobass

    MJ withdrawal syndrome?

    I consider myself a heavy smoker, 2 blunts a day minimum. 2 days ago I stopped smoking to be ready for a math exam and im feeling a little funny, with a sort of stomachache and with a lot of anxiety. Could it be a withdrawal symptom? Does anyone have suffered from this?
  3. Borrobass

    How to avoid red eye?

    Thank you all
  4. Borrobass

    How to avoid red eye?

    Appart from the eye drops? :thankyou:
  5. Borrobass

    Marijuana in...

    Here in uruguay we call it Porro or Fazo :grinjoint:
  6. Borrobass

    First Toke in the morning "El Mañanero"

    Hahahha :grinjoint:
  7. Borrobass

    First Toke in the morning "El Mañanero"

    Best thing Toke + Gym and then go confront your day refreshed :smokin:
  8. Borrobass

    First Toke in the morning "El Mañanero"

    "El mañanero" as we call it here in uruguay, the first joint that you take from your bed in total relax while taking some coffee. Is one of the best moments to toke (unless you have a busy day) but as said in Easy rider: "lt gives you a new way of looking at the day". Anyone feel the same...
  9. Borrobass

    Keif box or grinder.

    Damn right man!:cool:
  10. Borrobass

    Keif box or grinder.

    Grinders are friggin awesome man, it takes you about 5 seconds to grind the bud and then roll it and voila!. It really speeds up the rolling process. I also have a rolling machine and it's awesome
  11. Borrobass

    favorite rolling papers?

    Smoking King size or Bob Marley Medium
  12. Borrobass

    Late Night Insomniac Thread

    When i can not sleep i used to drink a real nice hot cup of milk, that puts me to sleep almost inmediately (the best thing to do, is to smoke some ganja and then drink the milk for a reaaaaaal quick effect)
  13. Borrobass

    Merry Christmas to all

    Merry Xmas!!!
  14. Borrobass

    Hempy Holidays to the 420 Community

    Happy Xmas from Montevideo, Uruguay :rollit:
  15. Borrobass

    At last!

    2 days ago I managed to get some seeds and I germinate them and one is starting to get out (I think). There is something white coming out of it. I looked up in the photo gallery but I couldn't find any germinated seeds photos, So if someone could post some I will appreciate it a lot...
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