Recent content by Buddah's Skunk

  1. Buddah's Skunk

    Marijuana Myths

    you don;'t need better bud. Look i got it down to a science (i had the same prob) 1. stop (for 1 day) 2. then when u do smoke don;lt smoke again till you aren't blaze anymore. (thc won;t build up and it will make it easier for you to get ripped)
  2. Buddah's Skunk

    Marijuana Myths

    nope he said covers white blood cells in fat. Making you an easy target for sickness . word for word or atleast the gist of it
  3. Buddah's Skunk

    Marijuana Myths

    i was told by my psycology teacher that THC covers your white blood cells w/ fat. He calls it Temp. Aids, is this true? w/ fat
  4. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    some of my plants the leaves are turning brown n brittle, starting at the lower leaves and working it was up..... what is that or should itake a pic to show u
  5. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    i should prob do it now then
  6. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    Day : 23 they have turned around from dying also on sum leaves its getting brown n brittle ..... I only lost 1 due to me being an idiot
  7. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    i am glad to say that my babies are all healthy, and growing into fine women. (hopefully)
  8. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    this is the worst 1
  9. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    my plants are turning yellowish and 1 plants is dying, the leaves are turning brown and brittle. what is that from >>??
  10. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    ok, but i really don;t want to melt them
  11. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    i did bring the light closer, how far away should it be ?? i don;t want to melt my babies.
  12. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    update : day 10 they are jus now getting the 2nd teir of leaves
  13. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    It Get the job done. And the leaves of this strand almost look fake, like plastic, its a light light green and the other leaves are dark green.
  14. Buddah's Skunk

    Buddah's SKunk pt 3

    i got 3 100 watt flouro. Seeds are Ganja Gweeds. pictures soon
  15. Buddah's Skunk

    growing in florida

    as do i, umm the local home depot doesn't carry ballasts for hps, for flouro, how many wattts are needed / recommended per sq. foot
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