Recent content by celesumi

  1. celesumi

    Who watches weeds?

    i'm kinda sad that u-turn is dead! ahaha...he was funny to me, especially when he was training nancy to be his second in command. i love watching the show and smoking...but there isn't that much weed action like before. they guys need to get together and have a fest!
  2. celesumi

    How do I?

    so this is probablly a basic question, but how do i get a medical card? i've been looking around and it says that you need a doctors note. i was wondering how to get one. like how would i describe my symptoms and stuff. my other question is if i did have a medical card, do i just go to the...
  3. celesumi

    lots of love from the LBC

    hey everyone! just wanted to say hi!!! ahaha...hi! :bongrip:
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