Recent content by cMatson

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  4. cMatson

    What do you guys roll with?

    aight so me being from the SF bay area i use either swishers or zags, but some times i like to cop zig zag blunt wraps, how bout you?
  5. cMatson

    What do you prefer?

    grind that shit up...if you put a nug in the bowl you will only smoke the outside and not the inside
  6. cMatson

    Did i really change the sex?

    Ok, this is the my continued post from changed the sex? so like i was saying in the other post, is it really possible to change the sex, some said no, but i think my the male plant that i had is turning female. You can see some pistils forming on the plant, sorry but my iphone doesn't take the...
  7. cMatson

    pinch off the tips?

    ya bro you have the right idea, when you pinch off the leaves you let more energy go toward your bud, which is better for you because who doesnt want the biggest bud. Haha
  8. cMatson

    change the sex?

    Ok so i have planted a few plants recently and one is a male, but i heard that if you pick off all the balls it will shock the plant and turn it female. im trying it cuz i have nothing to lose, but has anyone ever heard of this or done it??
  9. cMatson

    De-sex my plant

    Just remove all the balls off it. hopefully it will shock the plant and turn it into a female, that's what im tryin to do right now :)
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