Recent content by davester

  1. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    haha. theres no ways im pulling it, it looks good and it can just remain there. we didnt plant it, nobody did - its a garden that didnt exist and all of a sudden started growing again and included, was that creature. im just worried that its falling over too much, so i might try get a stick to...
  2. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    okay gotcha. well anyways, it looks good so ill let it continue growing n growing - perhaps more will spark up next to it - no complaints :) if anybody can help me do something with it, as you all mentioned about females n all then please do send a PM or whatever :)
  3. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    ahh i understand.. oh well, the lil dude can just continue growing as it wishes. too bad i cant do a thing with it ;( not even tea or ANYTHING? no high? lol
  4. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    lol.. why.. what can you do with it that i cant? tell me first!!! hahaha ;)
  5. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    hahah.. you guys rock! okay so from what i understand, we cant smoke it or do anything with this thing right? theres no ways in hell im killing it, it looks hot! ... the problem is that its beginning to fall over though, so should i get some stick and support the poor male?
  6. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    so i take it that means its shit? lol.. i wouldnt know..
  7. D

    Found this growing in our garden at the office!!

    hey all my first time here, and I need some help! haha... while we dont often go outside and chill in our office 'garden' - i just went outside now and.. found a damn plant growing! hahaha.. what a laugh we all had. SO.. now i took some pics, and would LOVE to know if anybody can POSSIBLY...
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