Recent content by Dooch420

  1. Dooch420

    hello from canada

    wat kinda good stuff and what parts but ya canada is pretty sweet now a days
  2. Dooch420

    Transparent Rolling Papers

    these papers are very good non the less but better then zig-zags i think not 6 bucks a pack here. i hope there good and worth the price.. no smell no taste= all herb
  3. Dooch420

    Organic New York City Diesel

    yummy very nice plant looks like it will be grade A smoke.. gj
  4. Dooch420

    All I Want For Christmas is:

    you know it :P
  5. Dooch420

    Vape bags

    use oven (turkey bags) for the volcano works well enough
  6. Dooch420

    All I Want For Christmas is:

    alls i want for xmas is my 2 front teeth.. no really i want. 1. world peace US president 3.1000 kilos of ever kind of strain excluding mids/schwagg 4.a red dodge viper convertable 5.for china not to flatten the world with there million man army. 6. oh and a nice BJ merry xmas
  7. Dooch420

    What do u do with ur res?

    hahah like others said i use to smoke it but now god my lungs are to precious to smoke it now if u think about it that shits goin straight back into ur lungs nasty but does get u high in times of need.
  8. Dooch420

    Flavored Water

    no damage works good taste good but dont leave the water in ur bong/waterpipes it starts 2 smell worse then normal bong water
  9. Dooch420

    Canadians? Who's from the Great White North?

    dont forget about me! from ontario (toronto area)
  10. Dooch420

    Umm, hi.

    hey welcome dood we all like video games :)
  11. Dooch420

    Awsome GDP

    omg i think i just. uhhhhhhh i did :D ahh thats amazing nice stuff
  12. Dooch420


    ya dude you gotta plant that thing in a little pot. tail thingy facing down about an inch or so into soil or ur medium.
  13. Dooch420

    male female?

    to early to tell whys ur stem broken or cut ?
  14. Dooch420

    Can you make a gravity bong using tin foil for the bowl?

    yes you can use tin foil.. might wanna double fold it 2 be sure you arnt smoking plastic Gravity bong.. get 2 liter cut bottom get a bucket fill it so the stem or little more of the pop bottle is out of the water get tinfoil make bowl poke holes put on light that shiz and pull up as you...
  15. Dooch420

    Can One Give "old Soil" New Life?

    Re: Can One Give "old Soil" New Life?? umm using old soil can cause spidermites happend to me oh those 12 beautiful clones died a horrid death but u might b ok
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