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  • hello my friend!

    here a good study about CBD degradation in digestive system ....and they found that CBD degrade to Δ9-THC and Δ8-THC

    Only when using simulated gastric acid. A subsequent study using in vivo on minipigs showed there THC was not present in their blood tests, only traces of CBD.

    You know, I'm so happy that you posted that original doc. I've been sick with the flu. So you gave me a bread crumb that led me on a journey.

    In that original study, they also used synthetic CBD and THC. There is a news article here on this site that goes over this exact problem. Federal studies aren't using real THC and CBD to do their testing. It kind of calls into question any results they publish. It sucks that they can't use real CBD and THC, but federal limitations here in the US are what they are. It stifles research, for medical reasons but also innovation!

    My current opinion is that isolating any of the cannabinoids or terpenes breaks the chain of beneficial effects they all have on each other. AKA, the Entourage Effect. Too boot, research needs to be done on humans, not in a beaker, or on animals. We humans happen to have a very specialized system that reacts well to CBD and THC.

    Love the science, get frustrated by the limitations we are still under, here in 2020.
    thanks for sharing that paper @zeroday

    for sure we need to go deep studying CBD and the others compounds of our beloved plant and I agree with you that the entourage effect is what we will need to look for and study.
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