Recent content by H0M3R420

  1. H

    FAQ: How to Pass a Drug Test

    Dug up my old login to post my 2 cents... About to have the first drug test of my life for a pre-employment screen. I was a constant user until sometime this past year when I switched to an alternative that was recently made illegal... I'm pretty sure my system was fully cleaned by the new year...
  2. H

    Ridiculous punishments

    Re: rediculous punishments oh yea, i mean i havent talked to either of them since, its pretty easy since i'm goin to college in a diff city.... and as soon as im finished with my 6 month probation it gets expunged... I mean i understand that i havta play their game, i just really hate their...
  3. H

    Ridiculous punishments

    One thing that annoys me most about the punishment i recieved for my recent run in with the law, is that the courts told me i was not allowed to socialize with the two friends i got busted with, nor they with me. I don't understand how anyone can tell me that this is a free country with a...
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