Recent content by Jkell27

  1. J

    What is happening!

    Wow, ok champ. You've interperated this entirely wrong, was not attacking you at all..... I dont really understand you man the way you say yer all the time loses me, thanks for the advice anyways. You said dont use fertilizer use nutes...fertilizer is made up of nutes....Bye now.
  2. J

    What is happening!

    I mean obviously something is going on, but saying not to use fertilizers and stuff you have me way confused. Usually it's the simplest things. People tend to try boost themselves up online in front of the world and become know it alls, I'll do another flush and keep an eye on it, see how it...
  3. J

    What is happening!

    Sorry mate I dont think your right, I dont think I understand you fully either, dont use fertilizers? Appreciate the replies but all the food/nutrients/fertilizers whatever you want to call them are all on point. Flowering has already begun aswell. Thanks again bud will let you know how it goes =)
  4. J

    What is happening!

    I think your onto it with the mag deficiency, did look into that when it first started happening, I'll see how it goes and let you know after the harvest. Thanks heaps!
  5. J

    What is happening!

    Umm ok so unknown strain, grown outdoors so natural light schedual, fed through veg stage once every 3 weeks with nitrogen high liquid fertilizer, leaves started clawing and have since developed into almost cancer looking things. Watered the same as the other 2 and in the same growing medium...
  6. J

    What is happening!

    New growth has the claw aswell =( weird that only 1 of the 3 is doing it, the other two are growing perfectly, all have had the same food/light/water...weird
  7. J

    What is happening!

    So my girls are starting to flower, 2 have not been a problem however my 3rd, for her entire life has showed signs of discoloured/crispy leaves. She is starting to flower like the other 2 but have no idea what I can do to try make her healthy before flowering really kicks in. I've done ph...
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