Recent content by magi420

  1. magi420

    Who's tokin?

    Ima tokeN and a browseN! PuffN and a PassN! :)
  2. magi420

    Why do you smoke?

    I smoke for Pleasure as well as for Nausea and minor aches & pains!
  3. magi420

    Craziest places youve toked in?

    Walking Along the Las Vegas Strip with my Hubby. I can't belive we didn't get caught by one of those Bike Cops! LOL Ahh ... Good Times!
  4. magi420

    Greetings from NM

    Hi! We also hail from NM 505, Western part of State! Welcome!!
  5. magi420

    Hair test question

    I heard coloring your hair or any other chemical procedure will strip hair of Toxins.
  6. magi420

    Can you grow indoors using the sun?

    That's a question I'm testing now. I have a few little plants bout 2 inch big but they are starting to lean and I don't know what to do.
  7. magi420

    POLL: Native Americans Growing Hemp: Sovereignty Collides With Government

    I don't think we (Native Amercians) shouldn't be treated diffrent. I know as of right now only a Medacine man (holyman) can poses, grow and give @@@@@@ to people. I think EVERYONE should be able to grow, sell, smoke and trade good ol MARYJANE! She was a gift from the Earth. Smoke up!
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