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  • hi! :)

    i have my list of stuff, sorry for the PM but i can't post links in the forum. could you please tell me if this is complete and good to go?

    first the light, i'm gonna be one of these:

    what do you think about this Big Bud stuff?

    now, to do organic, what's this i keep hearing about worm castings, "teas", putting molasses into the water and spraying it on the leaves, etc? do i need to do all that stuff?

    i think that was everything you mentioned in your previous post.

    are you certain these 2-gallon pots will be big enough? should i go with 5-gallon instead?

    if this list is complete for a seed to harvest grow in my 36x26x72 grow tent please let me know, thanks! :)

    <3 misty
    Oh, and Misty, just a heads up, if you get the cocoloco, the box is huge, and heavy, so your mailman might be made at you for a while,lol..
    fantastic, thanks :)

    the one with perlite isn't better? doesn't perlite help regular the soil moisture or something, so it helps prevent mold or rotting or...something?

    should i add perlite to the coco you suggested?

    i might be asking you later about how much and when to water/feed and about distancing the lights from seed to flower, this is literally my FIRST time doing all this and i need to get it as good as i can the first time, my mom is counting on me, i really appreciate all your time and effort :)
    Hi Misty, Nope, just use the Cocoloco, trust me on this one. And another tip, since you did bring it up, mold. I have a great tip, so do this also. Before you put your cocoloco in the pots, lay out a black garbage bag on the table, then estimate the amount of cocoloco you need, and level pile it 2 inches deep, and sprinkle cinnamon ontop till the entire surface is brown of cinnomon on the level pile of cocoloco. It is great for pest management, like gnats especially, which are very common, but hevent seen one single gnat since doing this. It also prevents mold in the cocoloco,.. Its also great for new roots!

    Dont start your seeds in the 2 gallon pot tho, start them in red 16oz solo cups after germination. I put seeds in RO water for 36 hours or so. Then into a cinesse food container, flat and round with paper towel till roots are 1/2 - 1in long. THEN put into Solo cups. Ive never grown auto seeds.
    Hey Mayne,
    I wanted to ask if you are still using Coco Loco and what kind of success you have had. I've just started using it and am having a hard time figuring out the watering/feeding schedule and proper ph. It seems kind of impossible to find much advice for Loco specifically versus all of the pure coco mediums people use. I saw your post from earlier in the year about all of that and figured I would see if you ever made any progress with it
    Did you use smart pots with that grow a bit back when you got your PS mini? Or do you know if it's normal for the roots to grow out the side of the smart pots?
    Cool cool, thanks...Yeah my roots are growing outside of the pots or they are beginning to do it now and I finally upgraded my tent and my lights...So now I'm running 3 PS mini's but he changed the design of the mini's...Now they are huge compared to how they were...But I think the coverage is alot better now with the bigger design
    I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to work the 420 mag website instead of using the app..
    The new style of mini's are 13 1/2" long x 8 1/2" wide x almost 3" high
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