Recent content by Navyaero

  1. Navyaero

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build

    Well i did some work today i have the misters ready to roll i just need to run up and grab a bit to drill my drain hole. I also added a 30 micron filer in the incoming side of the pump and a pressure gauge in the outputting. I also assembled the carbon filter. Gonna start with...
  2. Navyaero

    Flowering Time

    Can you please explain the science behind this claim. When you stop feeding you plant especially in hydro the plant just pulls those needed nutes from storage i.e fan leaves. There is no amount of water that will remove the chemicals that the plant grew up on. In addition during this time of...
  3. Navyaero

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build
  4. Navyaero

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build

    So when I ordered that pump I bought it thru the Sear's Marketplace to use my sears card. When it arrived at my house the receipt from the marketplace in the box showed a much lower price than what I paid thru the Sears site. With shipping i paid 120+20.00 shipping: I know it was more than i...
  5. Navyaero

    Flowering Time

    There is no amount of flushing that will remove it. Its like eating cheeseburgers to fatten you up your entire life and thinking drinking water for a week will clean you out.
  6. Navyaero

    Flowering Time

    Dude Save flushing for your toilet. It is completely worthless.
  7. Navyaero

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build
  8. Navyaero

    3x3 Gorilla Tent 1200 Watt COB Aeroponics Build

    So I am jumping into Aeroponics I plan to do 6 sites. I have experience with DWC however this will be my First Aeroponics attempt. So this is what I have done so far. For reference i am using this guide and modifying a few things. DIY Aeroponics - New High Pressure Aeroponics DIY Plans - How To...
  9. Navyaero

    New here! Looking to try some new stuff!

    Hi I used to be over at Rollitup however, that place is to censored... So i decided to move over here! I am about to do my first Aeroponics Build. I will be creating a grow journal in a bit to show this work in progress.
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