Recent content by Netty05here

  1. Netty05here

    The longest ever growing weed plant, help please?

    Hi everyone, I started growing last year it was a failure lol.. I had no idea about ph etc.. So in November 2018 I found a seed in a container with no name, I presume it was a free seed, either gg4, south African sativa, or Durban poison.. So i grew this plant from November till January under...
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  6. Netty05here

    How long left? Frost forcast

    Guesstimate haha haha very funny .. Thank you x
  7. Netty05here

    How long left? Frost forcast

    They are great ideas, I tried the greenhouse but it blew away, always windy in Ireland, but I will put them in the shed with a small heater till the blast goes, Any estimate of how long I have left on these girls?
  8. Netty05here

    How long left? Frost forcast

    I'm in Ireland.. our lows are 5-6 degree Celsius .. but forecast for -2 tonight, I'd hate to get this far for the cold to kill them
  9. Netty05here

    How long left? Frost forcast

    Them pics are very interesting . I have no magnifying glass, thought my phone would enlarge the image enough for me to see the trichome colour lol ..
  10. Netty05here

    How long left? Frost forcast

    Hi everybody . I planted some og cream out my back garden in June, 2 survived and are flowering now, Its my first try so I'm unsure what to do now, how long till they mature? Could I chop them now? There is frost due tonight and all weekend? Will putting them in my shed be enough to save them?
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