• Husband, father, and grandfather. Retired Naval Electronics Technician. Retired Senior Systems and Network Administrator.

    I grew up in a very conservative home. Marijuana just wasn't consumed by my family. That extended through my military career, where I suffered a back injury. The injury led to chronic pain and was treated successfully with low doses of opioids. In 2017 I had a flare up requiring medication. My family physician stopped prescribing any controlled substances due to pressures exerted by Health Canada, and our provincial health authority. The hospital's emergency department does not prescribe medication, and sent me to my family physician. Walk-in clinics won't prescribe more than a few days worth. Living out of town, I was faced with a dilemma. The constant debilitating pain opened me up to any form of relief. Cannabis was suggested, and I investigated it as my last recourse. Here I am, almost a year later growing that devil weed.
    Old Salt
    Old Salt
    The threat of two years less a day in military prison, followed by dishonorable release, and the balance of the military imposed prison term in a federal prison made it devil weed for over twenty years. One of my coworkers was sent away for a seed found in a jacket bought from the Salvation Army. In the military you are scrutinized much more closely than a civilian ever is, and punishments for infractions are much more severe.
    Guy Cavallero
    Guy Cavallero
    Lots of us here for the same reason Salt......our backs.
    Glad to see that the stigma is changing though. I even had my own doctor (chiropractor), ask me about CBD. She was being referred to a CBD specialist for her Crohns disease.
    On a side note, just finished up CMS Crown Royal. Love the endless 2-3" nugs she surrenders.....youre gonna love it!
    All the best.....just swinging through!
    Wow OS, that’s an incredible story. I’m really glad you persisted and found truth.

    I was raised in an ultra-conservative texas home, southern baptist pastor for one grandpa and decorated pow war hero for the other. Cannabis was always a “gateway drug” in our house lol. I’m glad you’re growing and offering your experience to the rest of us :)
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