Recent content by Paul185

  1. P

    Week 10 veg

    Ok great I’m using fox farm
  2. P

    Week 10 veg

    Also I’m on 11th week veg
  3. P

    Week 10 veg

    Hey guys sorry never seen all these reply’s I’m using a 5gallon pot and using flora nova grow once a week not sure if it needs to be used more watering every 2 to 3 days about a 1l per plant of water ph is around 7 humidity around 30 ish and I have a small heater running
  4. P

    Week 10 veg

    Any idea y the leaves are turning a little lighter green and curling a bit?
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  6. P


    The smell I’m not worried about I was just told maby this is wrong to have it running all the time to get rid of air from inside maby it’s better I set it up on a timer like you said and have it come on certain times
  7. P


    It should be gone sorry about that my plants are 7 weeks now
  8. P


    Yes I was just told it’s needed to bring air out of tent
  9. P


    In a 4 by 2 tent
  10. P


  11. P


    Last night dropped down to about 38
  12. P


    Thanks for the reply yes we are coming from summer to fall and temp is dropping and humidity for temp I put a small heater which seems to be working fine keeping a temp around 23 to 25 c it’s just the humidity with the ventilator pull air out does that also have a impact on humidity staying in...
  13. P


    Hey just wondering what you guys use to put humidity in the tent ? I have the fan and last night put a humidifier in but another question when ventilator is sucking air our it’s also pulling the humidity out so how will it keep at the right humidity level?
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