Recent content by Primo

  1. P

    Seattle's First Cannabis Farmers Market Attracts Several Hundred Sunday

    To recreational users. Patience, and keep working the laws. Don't resent us mmj patients. We are demonstrating the truth for everyone, that weed is not debilitating, or harmful, or dangerous in any way. Can't wait to rent a table at the next one. Viva my hometown! Viva Seattle! and three...
  2. P

    MRSA Superbug

    Also known as the "Flesh Eating Bacteria". This nasty bug, usually picked up in hospitals, kills 20,000 Americans each year, while hospitallizing 250,000 more. Modern antibiotics work sometimes, with potential side effects. Cannabis works every time. I've seen it work, first hand, with...
  3. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    Hi All. Nice Thread.
  4. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    Nice picture tutorial on making cannabutter.
  5. P

    Can FF soil be reused from one grow to the next?

    I can certainly feel for the people who want to reuse their soil. It's an expense. It's a pain to go buy and lug home. It's a security threat. It's a pain to dispose of used dirt. It's wasteful. It fills landfills. However, I haven't heard another good option. The composting sounds even more...
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