Recent content by Saskaman

  1. Saskaman

    1 smoke,1 question?

    Being a dedicated and long-time folk festival volunteer, I've been quite fortunate to have had the opportunity to blaze up with some pretty amazing and famous people. And from experience, I would suggest writing any questions you want to ask on your hand - Because you just know that once you...
  2. Saskaman

    You know your high when

    Re: You know your high when.... You know your high when the keys to your new apartment don't work because you're trying to use the ones from your old apartment. - Did this once after stopping by a bud's to try his honey oil. Had to get the caretaker to let me in.
  3. Saskaman

    Who doesn't

    Cherry Kush and OG Kush... in the same week! I'm gonna be penniless soon ;)
  4. Saskaman

    Things I Do When I'm Stoned

    Ooooooh :P Very nice! I'm jealous, heh heh.
  5. Saskaman

    What strains are you smoking right now?

    I just got some nuggs of Cherry Kush. Very sticky. Gummed up my grinder.
  6. Saskaman

    How many grams

    I can't believe I'm quoting myself, but.... After thinking about it for awhile, I came to realize that the reason for the prices I quoted above could be the economy. We seem to have weathered it quite well in Canada, and my region specifically. Our unemployment rate is at an all time low, and...
  7. Saskaman

    Smoke with pipe

    Do you mean a 'tobacco' pipe? Anyway, the answer is yes. However, if it has been previously used for tobacco I wouldn't recommend it. The nicotine residue will not only corrupt the taste, but seriously compromise the proper enjoyment of your smoke. Btw, nice 1st post. Seeking advice... Awesome!
  8. Saskaman

    Things I Do When I'm Stoned

    Packin a bowl and watching this Wikileaks stuff is pretty cool.
  9. Saskaman

    Things I Do When I'm Stoned

    Awww. Canon's are really decent cameras. So it's only a 5 MP point and shoot, big deal. As long as you love using it :) Keep taking pics! Especially of clouds, people, anything.... lol.
  10. Saskaman

    Favorite edible?

    It's not the butter, per say, that I use. It's the liquid left over from the method I use to make the butter. I don't use it as the "base" stock but add it to it. I also save some of the vegetation waste, as there is no way you can get all of the butter out of it! Both freeze and keep very well...
  11. Saskaman

    Things I Do When I'm Stoned

    - Take my Nikon for a walk (if it's not raining) - Laugh my ass off
  12. Saskaman

    Your stoner quotes

    This is my quote. A quote that is mine. "Drugs don't effect me... It's REALITY that fucks me up." I had an artist friend of mine make me a t-shirt with the quote on it and pics of skulls and pot leaves, but it's long gone now. I miss it :( If anyone wants to hijack it for their sig or...
  13. Saskaman

    Dumped because you smoke weed?

    While I've never been dumped for tokin, there was a girl once who resisted dating me because of it. Funny thing is, once we started going together I found out her parents were huge potheads and a few yrs after we split she ended up marrying a grower. Too funny.
  14. Saskaman

    How many grams

    Wow! You poor bastards. I can't believe the prices you're paying, and for bunk too! Where I live, central Canada, it's 10/g straight up. If you got a good connection, like me, you'd be paying 160-200/oz for BC Bud. I really feel bad for you all :/
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