Recent content by Snicklefritz

  1. Snicklefritz

    Pipe & Bong Names

    I have this glass pipe that's orange with black swirls, I named it Tigger
  2. Snicklefritz

    Weight of weed

    Thanks for the help, certainly cleared a lot up.
  3. Snicklefritz

    Weight of weed

    That'd work, except I use it mainly for depression and I'm about to go through a rough patch :/
  4. Snicklefritz

    What's your cotton mouth cure?

    Re: What's your cotton mouth cure?? Haha pink starbursts are great, man ;) I like ice pops, and pretty much -any- tasty liquid drink.
  5. Snicklefritz

    Weight of weed

    Hello friends. Quick question; 1) what are the different weights of weed and the average prices for them? I feel lame going around asking for weed in amounts of money instead of weight like everyone else does. Easy smoking
  6. Snicklefritz

    Marijauna as a pain killer

    Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll consult an artist and continue to look into it. Thanks again :)
  7. Snicklefritz

    Marijauna as a pain killer

    Hey guys and gals. So I've been seriously considering just one tattoo, right above my pelvic area, right inbetween my hip bones. Anywho, I'm quite the opposite of "hardcore" and don't handle pain too well. Yes, I'm a bit of a wuss in that department. But, I really want this tattoo, and was...
  8. Snicklefritz

    favorite smoking song to listen to?

    Day n Nite by Kid Cudi, while watching that music video is so trippy. Andd anything by the Shins, especially off the album, Wincing the Night Away
  9. Snicklefritz

    How much do you smoke?

    3/4 of an ounce??? Haha, you sir, are my kind of pothead :) So far, my tops has been an entire half eighth within a few hours. Nothing big, but then again, I have yet to buy anything more than that. Damn being in highschool and not having money...
  10. Snicklefritz

    Good Luck to Everyone w/Finals this week!

    I'm one of those people ^_^ thanks Jo, means a lot that a stranger will take the time for something like this. Kick final ass, fellow test takers!
  11. Snicklefritz

    Describe Your High

    And now I second your 3rd person view. I get like that a lot. I feel as though I'm in a video game, first person perspective; or as though life is a movie and my eyes are the camera. It's like I'm outside myself, yet I'm viewing it from inside, it's odd. And often times, I'll feel as though I...
  12. Snicklefritz

    Describe Your High

    At first, I get super goofy and find everything hilarious. If it's dank weed, I'll plop down on a couch or chair or something and feel as though I'm "melting." Like there's a current rippling through my entire body. Sleepiness comes on quick, as well as askewed vision; I'll either see things or...
  13. Snicklefritz

    Your stoner quotes

    Re: Your stoner quotes. :goof::biglaugh::biglaugh::rofl: that was great my buddy once said "sometimes you have to be above the world to look down on it" lol
  14. Snicklefritz

    Favorite Stoner movie

    How'd you like PE?
  15. Snicklefritz

    How Sleepy Do You Get After You Get Baked ?

    I usually get super sedative. I can literally feel as though I'm melted to the couch or bed or whatever, so hard to get up. But if I do, and I'm around friends, I can totally go out and do shit. But if I'm blazing alone, I sleep a lot
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