Recent content by That Ninja

  1. That Ninja

    Help seedling trouble!

    Yes! But the weird part is they where all perfectly healthy !! Then 2 just like died off all of a sudden the where under 2 26 watt 6500 cfl's and they got some sun light just the day before
  2. That Ninja

    Help seedling trouble!

    Unfortunately I don't know and they where wattered.. They where AK47 but I deemed them beyond salvage so I threw them in my yard :( now I am down to 1 seedling but thankfully it seems to be very healthy do you think it was because they couldn't push of there shells?
  3. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    Apperently I am why to impatient -.- lol i am down to 1 plant butttt the 1 looks very healthy:D
  4. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    Okay so I threw my 2 plants outside... Now I have 2 left :'( and they don't seem to be doing much
  5. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

  6. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    Okay I threw out one seed just didn't think it was gonna pull through... So I have 3. 1 is popped up and looking ok but I'll put under cfl if I pull the seed of it and theres only a white ball like when it's popped up and all does that kill it?
  7. That Ninja

    Help seedling trouble!

    Hi I have 3 seedlings 2 of which got shriveled at the stem or root coming from the seed the root is about to inches long where exposed to light / air and one fell over so I pulled the seed cover off that one as someone told me 2 the other 2 haven't popped out yet what's wrong :o
  8. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    Help!! The plant went down a little and got shriveled did it die :o I pulled it out root looks normal but part that out of the ground doesnt
  9. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    Another one sprouted !!! Pics later
  10. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    It was around 81 or 80 pretty humid I thought it was perfect? Was I wrong :o hope not!!! And it's sleeping now ( dark ) till 6 am then lights on!
  11. That Ninja

    Stealth Grow - First Time

    This is the only one that has popped out! got a little outside sun today here she/he is! P.s Does it look healthy??
  12. sprout


  13. sprout


  14. sprout


  15. sprout


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